Unable to create new outlook profile after deploying exchange 2019

Amazumda 21 Reputation points

Last week deployed exchange 2019, but unable to create outlook profiles for users on exchange 2019. When creating a profile it directly search in O365.
OWA is working for those mailboxes and also able to add those mailboxes as additional outlook account.

Same thing is happening when connecting within the server.

Exchange Server Management
Exchange Server Management
Exchange Server: A family of Microsoft client/server messaging and collaboration software.Management: The act or process of organizing, handling, directing or controlling something.
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  1. Ashok M 6,506 Reputation points


    Could you please provide more information,

    What is the version of your exchange server?
    Are you using M365 pro plus C2R?
    Have you deployed Exchange Hybrid?
    Any changes to the DNS?
    Is it happening for all users or some?
    Can you do outlook Test Email AutoConfiguration and check if O365 autodiscover is the first URL its trying?
    Hold Ctrl+right click on the outlook icon in system tray and click on "Test Email AutoConfiguration" and uncheck "use Guessmart" and "Secure Guessmart Authentication" and click on Test. Review the results in log tab

    What's the detailed version of your Outlook? You can check from File > Office Account > About Outlook.

    For Outlook 2016 version 16.0.6741.2017 and later versions, Outlook will attempt to retrieve Autodiscover from O365 as priority.

    You can exclude the autodiscover queries to Office365 using the registry on the affected machine and check its connecting locally using SCP while joined internally

    Create a DWORD value for ExcludeExplicitO365Endpoint and change the value to "1":
    RegKey: ExcludeExplicitO365Endpoint
    Value: 1


    If the above suggestion helps, please click on "Accept Answer" and Upvote it.

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