Welcome to the Microsoft Q&A and thank you for posting your questions here
It looks like there are a few indentation issues in your YAML snippet. YAML is very sensitive to indentation, and it seems that the inputs
block is not properly indented under the task
. Here’s a corrected version:
- job: CustomJob
type: release
- task: Azure-Kusto.PublishToADX.PublishToADX.PublishToADX@4
serviceConnection: 'svc connection name goes here'
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
let pst = datetime_utc_to_local(now(), 'US/Pacific');
| where not(isDeploymentAllowed)
| project ringType, startHour, endHour, businessDays, withinBusinessHours, isDeploymentAllowed, currentDayOfWeek
waitForOperation: true
kustoUrls: 'URL goes here'
continueOnError: false
Make sure that each level of indentation is consistent. In this case, inputs
should be indented under task
, and the properties under inputs
should be indented further. This should resolve the parsing error you’re encountering.
Hope this helps. Do let us know if you any further queries.