Good day
The QnA forums (where we are now) currently supports only the products listed in right-hand pane. This question does not related any of these. It is better to reach out in dedicated forums over here:
It is very important to quote accurately word-by-word, to allow us (and you) to search the issue online. Make sure you do so when you re-ask the question.
According to your description you are getting the error:
"Error occurred while inserting table information into the Data Migration Auxiliary table. Reason: Invalid object name"
Notice that you have "the" in your error while the following error message is the one that you can find online (without the "the"). I assume that you did not quoted accurately
"error occurred while inserting table information into data migration auxiliary table. reason: invalid object name"
Anyhow, please close this thread and move the discussion to the right forum.