@Geeaz Firstly, apologies for the delay in responding here and any inconvenience this issue may have caused.
Are you getting any error message or error code? If so can you please share the screenshot?
You can also cross verify the configuration and setup: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/azure-developer-community-blog/azure-on-the-cheap-azure-storage-static-website-and-azure-front/ba-p/1297084
Front Door supports a variety of backend host types such as Web Apps, API Management, Public IP Addresses, Storage Accounts or Traffic Manager. In this case I add two custom type endpoints that allow me to specify the URLs of my static websites. Because I have two endpoints, I will add both to the same backend pool.
Please check azure storage public access is been disabled Azure Front Door and multiple storage accounts in the back-end which are configured to be static websites.
Troubleshooting common routing problems
You could get a deep understanding from How Front Door matches requests to a routing rule and check if a valid request path in the routing rule matches the frontend host.
If there isn't a custom forwarding path defined, then the request gets forwarded to the appropriate backend in the configured backend pool as is. Else, the request path is updated as per the custom forwarding path defined and then forward to the backend. You could verify if the forwarded path is valid when you set the custom forwarding path.
More reference: Serving Your Static Sites with Azure Blob and CDN
Additional information: You can also refer to this thread.
Hope this helps!
Kindly let us know if the above helps or you need further assistance on this issue.
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