Unable to backup sql azure to a bacpac in blob

Lalit 101 Reputation points

Hi, I have been trying repeatedly to backup a sql azure database to a bacpac file on blob. Each time I do, it fails with an error One or more unsupported elements were found in the schema used as part of a data package. Error SQL71501: Error validating element [dbo].[ScanInCacheFromDatabase]: Function: [dbo].[ScanInCacheFromDatabase] contains an unresolved reference to an object. Either the object does not exist or the reference is ambiguous because it could refer to any of the following objects: [qp].[query_plan].[exist], [sys].[dm_exec_query_plan].[qp], [sys].[dm_exec_query_plan].[query_plan], [sys].[dm_exec_query_stats].[qp] or [sys].[dm_exec_sql_text].[qp]. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac) Any suggestions on how to make this work? Tx

Azure SQL Database
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  1. Lalit 101 Reputation points

    It has worked, tx everyone. I upgraded to P1 and deleted the procedure [ScanInCacheFromDatabase]. The procedure wasn't made by me, maybe a Azure system proc.

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  1. Leon Laude 85,691 Reputation points


    Something here may help:

    Also check the "considerations" section over here:

    Export to a BACPAC file - Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Managed Instance

    Best regards,

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