How to start exporting data to an excel file from a particular row of excel sheet?

Rashmi Gupta 81 Reputation points

Hi everyone,
I have exported access file's data to a datagridview and I am trying to export the datagridview's datatable to an excel file which has a template like this:


I want the data to be inserted from the 3rd row without affecting first two rows same as here


But in the actual output first row is being overwritten by column names and data is inserted from where the template ends :


Here is the code by which I was inserting the data :

''' <summary>
''' Export datagridview's data contained in an data table to excel file
''' </summary>
''' <param name="dataTable">DataGridView's datatable</param>
''' <param name="XLPath"> Excel File Path with xlsx extension</param>

 Private Shared Sub ExportToExcel(ByVal dataTable As DataTable, ByVal XLPath As String)  
 Dim connStr = "Provider = Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + XLPath + ";Extended Properties='Excel 8.0;HDR = YES';"  
  Using connection As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection(connStr)  
       Using command As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand()  
            command.Connection = connection  
            Dim columnNames As New List(Of String)  
            Dim tableName As String = dataTable.TableName  
            If dataTable.Columns.Count <> 0 Then  
                For Each dataColumn As DataColumn In dataTable.Columns  
               tableName = If(Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dataTable.TableName), dataTable.TableName, Guid.NewGuid().ToString()) + "$"  
               command.CommandText = $"CREATE TABLE [{tableName}] ({String.Join(",", columnNames.[Select](Function(c) $"[{c}]                                                                  
               End If  
                If dataTable.Rows.Count <> 0 Then  
                   For Each row As DataRow In dataTable.Rows  
                          Dim rowValues As List(Of String) = New List(Of String)()  
                          For Each column As DataColumn In dataTable.Columns  
                                 rowValues.Add(If((row(column) IsNot Nothing AndAlso Not row(column).Equals(DBNull.Value)),   
                                 row(column).ToString(), String.Empty))  
                          command.CommandText = $"INSERT INTO [{tableName}]({String.Join(",", columnNames.[Select](Function(c) $"[{c}]"))})                                                               
                          VALUES ({String.Join(",", rowValues.[Select](Function(r) $"'{r}'").ToArray())});"  
                End If  
         End Using              
       End Using  
   End Sub  

I wanna ask two question:

  1. Why the data is being inseted from the end of the template?
  2. Is there any way I can insert the data from 3rd row without overwriting the first two rows?
    I tried to do it with OPENROWSET but I did not understand how to apply it in my situation so I was getting syntax error.
    I would really appreciate if any one can help me.

Note: I cannot use interop or any third party library.

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2 answers

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  1. Karen Payne MVP 35,371 Reputation points


    If you are open to an alternative using a free library which does not require Excel to be installed. In short you have a fresh copy of the Excel file which gets copied to (in this case) to the application folder which of course you can change.

    Otherwise back to your current code, it appears the last row is off and needs to be set as per this Microsoft page.

    • Install from NuGet package manager SpreadSheetLight and DocumentFormat.OpenXml (may not need this one).
    • Create a class named ExcelOperations1 as per below.
    • Add form code as per below.
    • Place a copy of the Excel file say in a folder beneath the application folder then in code below that file is copied to the application folder and data is placed into the copied Excel file.

    Full source

    Full source is located in the following GitHub repository project. To run the code sample, perform a NuGet Package restore, run the following script to create the database. Or simply view the source.



    • There is actually more code here than needed. This is because you might benefit from the additional methods as all SpreadSheetLight documentation is in C#.
    • An event is available for when a runtime exception is thrown e.g. if the Excel file does not exists, the sheet does not exists or if you run the code, open the file, keep it open while running the code again which would cause an exception because you can't write to an open file.


    Imports System.IO  
    Imports SpreadsheetLight  
    Public Class ExcelOperations1  
        Public Delegate Sub OnErrorDelegate(exception As Exception)  
        Public Shared Event OnErrorEvent As OnErrorDelegate  
        ''' <summary>  
        ''' Insert DataTable into an existing Excel WorkSheet  
        ''' </summary>  
        ''' <param name="pFileName">Existing Excel file</param>  
        ''' <param name="pSheetName">Existing WorkSheet in pFileName</param>  
        ''' <param name="pDataTable">DataTable</param>  
        ''' <param name="pColumnHeaders">Use column name from DataTable as headers</param>  
        ''' <param name="pStartRow">Row to start the import</param>  
        Public Shared Function Import(  
              pFileName As String, pSheetName As String,  
              pDataTable As DataTable, pColumnHeaders As Boolean,  
              Optional pStartRow As Integer = 3) As Boolean  
                Using doc As New SLDocument(pFileName)  
                    doc.ImportDataTable(pStartRow, SLConvert.ToColumnIndex("A"), pDataTable, pColumnHeaders)  
                    Return True  
                End Using  
            Catch ex As Exception  
                RaiseEvent OnErrorEvent(ex)  
                Return False  
            End Try  
        End Function  
        Private Shared Sub CopyFile(pFileName As String)  
            Dim originalFile = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "ExcelFiles", pFileName)  
            Dim targetFile = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, pFileName)  
            File.Copy(originalFile, targetFile, True)  
        End Sub  
        Public Shared Function SheetExists(doc As SLDocument, pSheetName As String) As Boolean  
            Return doc.GetSheetNames(False).Any(Function(sheetName) sheetName.ToLower() = pSheetName.ToLower())  
        End Function  
        Public Function SheetNames(pFileName As String) As List(Of String)  
            Using doc = New SLDocument(pFileName)  
                Return doc.GetSheetNames(False)  
            End Using  
        End Function  
        ''' <summary>  
        ''' Remove a sheet if it exists.  
        ''' </summary>  
        ''' <param name="pFileName">Existing Excel file</param>  
        ''' <param name="pSheetName"></param>  
        ''' <returns></returns>  
        Public Function RemoveWorkSheet(pFileName As String, pSheetName As String) As Boolean  
            Using doc As New SLDocument(pFileName)  
                Dim workSheets = doc.GetSheetNames(False)  
                If workSheets.Any(Function(sheetName) sheetName.ToLower() = pSheetName.ToLower()) Then  
                    If workSheets.Count > 1 Then  
                        doc.SelectWorksheet(doc.GetSheetNames().FirstOrDefault(Function(sName) sName.ToLower() <> pSheetName.ToLower()))  
                    ElseIf workSheets.Count = 1 Then  
                        RaiseEvent OnErrorEvent(New Exception("Can not delete the sole worksheet"))  
                    End If  
                    Return True  
                    Return False  
                End If  
            End Using  
        End Function  
        ''' <summary>  
        ''' Add a new sheet if it does not currently exists.  
        ''' </summary>  
        ''' <param name="pFileName"></param>  
        ''' <param name="pSheetName"></param>  
        ''' <returns></returns>  
        Public Function AddNewSheet(pFileName As String, pSheetName As String) As Boolean  
            Using doc = New SLDocument(pFileName)  
                If Not (SheetExists(doc, pSheetName)) Then  
                    Return True  
                    Return False  
                End If  
            End Using  
        End Function  
    End Class  

    Form code

    In this case I populate a DataTable from a database, assigned to a DataGridView. Where the data comes from is irrelevant and if using a DataSet rather than a DataTable simple pass the Table e.g. SomeDataSet.Tables("SomeTableName").

    Public Class Form1  
        Private Sub Form1_Shown(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Shown  
            DataGridView1.DataSource = DataOperationsSqlServer.LoadCustomerRecordsUsingDataTable()  
            AddHandler ExcelOperations1.OnErrorEvent, AddressOf OnExcelExportError  
        End Sub  
        Private Sub ExportSimpleButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ExportSimpleButton.Click  
            Dim dt = CType(DataGridView1.DataSource, DataTable)  
            If ExcelOperations1.Import("DemoExport.xlsx", "Info_Table", dt, False) Then  
            End If  
        End Sub  
        Private Sub OnExcelExportError(exception As Exception)  
        End Sub  
    End Class  
    1 person found this answer helpful.

  2. Karen Payne MVP 35,371 Reputation points

    In regards to

    Can I use OPENROWSET for desired results, if so, how? I tried to implement it but was not successful.

    1. In your base Excel file set the last used row so that when pushing data to Excel to the correct row
    2. Follow steps in my Microsoft article to setup SQL-Server, there are several steps which if not done will cause the process to fail on SQL-Server. Note when I wrote the article I never tried to export to a specific row so you will need to do so. Note full source code is provided in this GitHub repository using VS2017 and with minor mods will work with .NET Core. Lastly on this bullet the source code is C# yet if you simply read the code is easy for even a child to understand and for a coder/developer should be easy enough to follow along and translate to VB.

    Not sure if I've mentioned this before but I have not used OleDb or Excel automation since around 2005 as there are just way too many things to be concerned about ranging from proper connection string (which in some cases IMEX must be set correctly), formatting of dates and numbers to versions of Excel libraries.

    All my work is done with Aspose cells or GemBox SpreadSheet (which of course you are not permitted to use). I provide SpreadSheetLight code samples because it's reliable and free for forum questions.

    What you really need to do is convince those who are denying usage of libraries such as SpreadSheetLight to change this ruling. A good developer needs to provide the facts to those denying usage of external libraries so they are better informed. Using Excel automation a last option while OleDb is next to last option.

    In closing the above is all which I have, nothing left out.

    1 person found this answer helpful.