Azure Sql database for my mobile app Userwise ? Different database for Different User ? per single users may have more than a million records

Dhiren Naik 1 Reputation point

I have develop a MobileApp with offline data sync. with Microsoft Azure Sql Database. It works fine.

My App will be use by small retail shops. And every shops login has more than 1 million records.

Now My Question is,

What is Better ?

1.Use Same Azure Sql Database for All Clients ?

2.Create Different Database for Different Client ?

Please guide me.


Azure SQL Database
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  1. Mike Ubezzi 2,776 Reputation points

    @Dhiren Naik - You have two options. The first is single-tenant per database and the second is multi-tenant per database. A single retail shop would be a single tenant. The single-tenant per database is easy to set-up and secure but complex to manage and can be very expensive. The multi-tenant per database has some complexity in setting up but is considerably more cost effective than single-tenant per database at considerable scale.

    The following documentation is extremely useful in helping to make some key decisions that will guide you on an implementation strategy. Please see: Multi-tenant SaaS database tenancy patterns and there is an example solution you can set-up as a demonstration or proof-of-concept. Please see: The Wingtip Tickets SaaS application

    Azure SQL Database does offer a Hyperscale service tier, which has support up to 100 TB.

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