Can't ssh to Percept DK: Too many authentication failures

Chad McQuillen 31 Reputation points

I have a Percept DK that has older firmware (pre-public preview) that needs to be upgraded. It was previously setup, connected to IoT, used to do training etc. although it has been disconnected for some time now. After connecting it to the network and powering up it does not seem to be generally functioning. I.e., it is not appearing as connected in the IoT Hub, I can't access the web page, and most importantly I can not access it via ssh in order to perform the upgrade. I've used both the 'current' and 'future' password printed in the welcome placard which shipped with the developer kit as well as my usual standard passwords. When I ssh to it I always get this:

Received disconnect from 192.168.XX.XX port 22:2: Too many authentication failures

As a side note I do have a bunch of ssh keys so previously I was not even being prompted for my password. After searching online I began to use this ssh command syntax:

ssh -o PasswordAuthentication=yes -o PreferredAuthentications=keyboard-interactive,password -o PubkeyAuthentication=no root@<ip address>

All to no avail. I could accept that I might not be using the correct password. However, I have a second developer kit that was shipped to me that had not been previously setup (therefore the default password should have worked) and it behaves in the same manner. And, it troubles me that I can't access the web page, ping it, etc. So, something is clearly wrong, but I'm not sure what and how to resolve.

Azure Percept
Azure Percept
A comprehensive Azure platform with added security for creating edge artificial intelligence solutions.
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Accepted answer
  1. Mike McCoy - MSFT 606 Reputation points

    Hi @Chad McQuillen ,

    You should be able to ssh into that version of the OS using the root SSH user.

    username: root
    password: p@ssw0rd

    After you complete the update, the "root" user will be disabled and you will need to create a new user or shared key during the setup experience.


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