Azure storage javascript client: how to track upload progress using Ionic/Angular?

javier 926 Reputation points

Following this guideline sample-blob.html I want to track upload progress by getting the progress value to the DOM. I also want to print, say, 'done' in the DOM when the upload is finished. Is there a way to "subscribe" to SpeedSummary so I can get its progress value? Any other more recommended approach?

My code:

var finishedOrError = false;  
      var speedSummary = blobService.createBlockBlobFromBrowserFile('input-data', filename, file, {blockSize : customBlockSize}, function(error, result, response) {  
        finishedOrError = true;  
        if (error) {  
            // Upload blob failed  
            alert('Problema: Volver a intentar o contactar al administrador');  
        } else {  
            // Upload successfully  
            alert('Subida Exitosa');  
            return result;  
      speedSummary.on('progress', function () {  
        var process = speedSummary.getCompletePercent();  
      var finish_upload = function(){  
        //TODO set upload finish process  
        //this.isUploading = false; DOESN'T WORK SINCE this is speedSummary in this context  
      var displayProcess = function(process){  
        //TODO set progress indicator  

Note: I am aware of this implementation upload-to-azure-blob-storage-with-angular-7977e979496a but it gives me an error when implementing the uploadFile function. But more importantly I am looking for something more straigthforward to implement.

Azure Blob Storage
Azure Blob Storage
An Azure service that stores unstructured data in the cloud as blobs.
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  1. Sumarigo-MSFT 44,416 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    @javier-8889 Firstly, apologies for the delay in responding here and any inconvenience this issue may have caused.

    I see you have posted similar question in SO forum, please refer to the suggestion. If you still facing any issue. I would recommend to kindly just re-post the question in the Developer Community and GitHub repro to receive a focused and immediate assistance from the right set of experts.. These forum community members could provide their expert guidance on your scenario based on their experience. Thanks.

    Hope this helps!
    Kindly let us know if the above helps or you need further assistance on this issue.

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