when he puts that group in the To... field of an email several of the addresses are missing.
Is this a problem that has only recently occurred? Can this group work fine when sending emails before? It is suggested to add other groups to the "To" field when editing emails and see whether the issue has any difference.
To confirm if your issue is related to your Outlook client, please try to log in to your web mail and add the same group to the "To" field and see if the issue could be reproduced.
If this issue could be reproduced on the web mail, I'm afraid that your issue might be related to this specific group itself. Please try the following steps and see if the issue could be resolved:
- Please first check this specific group in both your Outlook client and web mail and see if those missing users have been successfully added to this group.
- If those missing users can be seen normally in the group, it is suggested to remove these users from the group and re-add them to see if the issue has any difference.
- If the issue still continues, please try to completely remove this group and recreate it to see if it works.
If they can all work fine on the web mail, then this issue might be related to your Outlook client.
- As I know, there could be some add-ins in your Outlook client that cause this issue, so it is suggested to start your Outlook in safe mode (Press Win + R, type “outlook /safe”, press Enter.) and see if the issue continues.
- A corrupted profile can lead this issue, so please try creating and using a new Outlook profile via Control Panel > Mail > Show profile and see if there is any difference.