Imagine simple BI task: We have two grouping columns and one calculated field. like
select group1, group2, sum(sales) Sum_of_sales from dbo.table1
group by group1, group2
When for some combination of grouping columns there's no ROW in dataset - report shows me Empty. It's ok.
Now i'm building matrix with groups depending on parametrs. Some sort of programmatic matrix. User deciedes what to analyze by himself. He chooses X_dimension and Y_dimension and target CalculatedField
Grouping expression for first group now looks like
Parameters!param1.Value = "var1", Fields!groupingColumn1.Value,
Parameters!param1.Value = "var2", Fields!groupingColumn2.Value)
And for second group
Parameters!param2.Value = "var3", Fields!groupingColumn3.Value,
Parameters!param2.Value = "var4", Fields!groupingColumn4.Value)
With target value:
Parameters!param3.Value = "var5", Count(Fields!sales_sum.Value),
Parameters!param3.Value = "var6", Sum(Fields!sales_sum.Value)
When there are sales in combinations of groups - it's ok. It shows me exact value - like i would sum it with calculator. But when THERE'S NO DATA for some partition - it just raises error in that cell. And it seems like no way out. Pls help.
P.S. I tried all possible variants such as
iif(sum(...) is Nothing, 0 , sum(...))
sum(iif(value > 0 , value , 0))
and combination of them i tried comparing with ZERO, Nothing , and checking isNothing
but i still get error in cell