I have a .Net Core web application running on Azure Appservice connected to Azure SQL DB (Elastic Pool). The application is multi-tenant with tenant identification using subdomains.
I want to setup multiple Appservices in different regions in order to deliver optimal performance to customers. I'm currently not thinking about load-balancing across regions with mirrored databases etc. A customer/tenant is linked to one appservice which has its own database server and pool.
I want to understand how to configure this with regards to wildcard-subdomain SSL certificates and the url for the tenant.
If I have 3 appservices (as1, as2, as3) on my domain (mydomain.com) I could setup each appservice as a separate subdomain, each with its own wildcard SSL certificate (*.as1.mydomain.com …) and then have a url for my customers like tenantA.as1.mydomain.com
, tenantB.as2.mydomain.com
Ideally I would like my customers to go to tenantA.mydomain.com, tenantB.mydomain.com
… and then have them routed to the correct Appservice which means I would only need 1 wildcard SSL certificate.
So, should I keep it simple for now and go for the url-per-appservice with an SSL certificate per appservice subdomain or choose the more elegant approach of having 1 url for all appservices (which I don't know how to configure :) I know about Front Door and App Gateway but not sure if these are what I'm looking for.
Should I even worry about setting up in multiple regions? The application is basically data-entry with API's for importing and exporting data.