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New Windows Live Services will be compatible with Astoria

The news is out! At Mix, Windows Live will be announcing several new Live Services with AtomPub endpoints.  These services will also be compatible with Astoria and therefor will work with the Astoria client library.  An excerpt from David Treadwell's post:

Microsoft is making a large investment in unifying our developer platform protocols for services on the open, standards-based Atom format ( RFC 4287 ) and the Atom Publishing Protocol ( RFC 5023 ). At MIX we are enabling several new Live services with AtomPub endpoints which enable any HTTP-aware application to easily consume Atom feeds of photos and for unstructured application storage (see below for more details). Or you can use any Atom-aware public tools or libraries, such as .NET WCF Syndication to read or write these cloud service-based feeds.

In addition, these same protocols and the same services are now ADO.NET Data Services (formerly known as “ Project Astoria”) compatible. This means we now support LINQ queries from .NET code directly against our service endpoints, leveraging a large amount of existing knowledge and tooling shared with on-premise SQL deployments.

The intent for these early, experimental releases are to gather valuable feedback from the community around our idiomatic and freely licensed extensions to AtomPub which deal with important service scenarios, such as URL formats, nested directories, image streams, and service metadata. You can read more about this on the Project Astoria team blog .

There will also be a few more surprises in this area announced at MIX. Stay tuned. Try them out and give us your feedback !

At Mix, we have a Project Astoria talk all about using the Astoria client library to consume Live services. 

RESTful Data Services with the ADO.NET Data Services Framework

Wednesday, March 5 4:30 PM - 5:45 PM, Lando 4204

Speaker(s): Pablo Castro

Audience(s): Technical

Session Type: Breakout

Learn how to use ADO.NET Data Services Framework to easily create and consume REST data services on the web. This session will cover the main concepts of the ADO.NET Data Services Framework (aka Project "Astoria"), show how to use it, and discuss how to use it with Microsoft's broader vision of a common interface for Windows Live and 3rd party services.

So if you are going to Mix, be sure to go to that talk.  The Mix talks are also available online 24-48 hours after they are given.

On a related note Pablo, Mike, and myself will all be at Mix next week.  We should be spending a lot of time in the hands on lab/ Open Spaces area.  If anyone has any questions about any of our projects, wants to see some Astoria demos, etc - drop  me a line and we can set something up.
