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Welcome to VS extensions for WSS!

Download VSeWSS.

Greetings from TechEd Barcelona! Today, we finally got to announce a project I've been working on for the last year: "Visual Studio 2005 extensions for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0". Yup, the name's a mouthful :). Explaining it is pretty easy though - make "F5" work for SharePoint stuff in VS! That's essentially what VSeWSS brings to the table. Once you have it installed, you can actually boot VS, create stuff for WSS and have it work. For example, if you want to build a web part, from the "New Project" dialog in VS, choose "Web Part" under the "C#/SharePoint" node. Add some code and you're done. You can hit F5 and immediately debug your web part. Pretty cool, no?

In addition to web part support, VSeWSS also helps you build Site Definitions, List Definitions and Content Types. Over the next few weeks, I'll use this blog to explain how to use the various parts of VSeWSS. In the meanwhile, download the bits and drop any questions you have to "microsoft.public.sharepoint.development_and_programming".
