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A Cloudy December in Massachusetts

MPj04094960000[1]Though I clearly won’t win any cleverness prizes with this post’s title, I do want to pass along details of some cloud computing related events coming to the greater Boston area in December.

Boston Azure User Group – 12/3

BostonAzureDecember 3rd (6:30-8:30 PM) will be the second meeting of the new Boston Azure User Group, dedicated to learning about and sharing experiences with cloud computing and the Windows Azure Platform

The meeting, held at Microsoft NERD in Cambridge, will feature Mike Werner and Michael Stiefel, detailing announcements made at last week’s Microsoft PDC.

Boston Cloud Services Meetup – 12/9

The Boston Cloud Services Meetup is holding their next meetup on December 9 and will feature several speakers on different cloud computing topics.

The group meets in Waltham at 6:30 PM. See the Boston Cloud Services Meetup profile for details and to RSVP.

CloudCamp Boston 2 – 12/10

CloudCamp Returning after a the first CloudCamp Boston earlier this year, CloudCamp Boston 2 is a free “unconference” focusing on cloud computing. 

It will be hosted at Microsoft NERD on December 10 from 2-7 PM, with a joint event lunch from 12:30 to 2 with Cloud^3 (see below).

Register at

Xconomy Forum: Cloud^3 – 12/10

Cloud3 CloudCamp Boston 2 is being held in partnership with Xconomy, which is hosting a forum event called Cloud^3, held the morning of CloudCamp starting at 8:30 AM, also at Microsoft NERD.

Cloud^3 will feature three keynotes, six short “Cloudburst” sessions and more.  Separate registration is required, and see the CloudCamp site for details of the partnership.
