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Soon to be indoctrinated by Ken Schwaber

After having an interest in Scrum for a while now after reading Agile Software Development with Scrum, I'm finally going to an in-person 2-day course on Scrum by Ken Schwaber when his roadshow makes it to Seattle.  I've heard interesting things from folks that have gone to his Scrum course, everything from "the course isn't very applicable to work in a large corporation" to "Ken's ego is as big as his reputation".  So it will be an interesting experience.  My hope is to adapt some of what I learn there and apply it to our team.  We shall see.  I promise to report back on what I find.  It should be a worthwhile experience.

Of course, with my boss also going to this course, I will need to be more careful than usual about making cracks about the inanity of corporate decision-making...

