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Using Clone, Export and Import an existing release definition for TFS2015 Update2

Summary:- A ReleaseManagement extension for Cloning, Importing and Exporting an existing release definition is released in the VisualStudio marketplace at . But as it uses some improvement done post release of TFS2015U2 hence it doesn't allow to be installed for TFS2015U2. I have tried to write another extension with slight variation of experience (explained below).

How it's different from one released to VisualStudio marketplace :- Extension published at VisualStudio marketplace open the release definition to be saved after clicking the clone (from context menu) or import (from toolbar). Where as extension for TFS2015U2 makes direct REST call and creates a clone or import of an existing release definition. Following are TFS2015U2 behaviour difference:-

 - Environment owner will be same as original release definition

 - In case of Import, Approver needs to be updated

Code is shared

How to Install it for TFS2015U2 :-

Step1:- Download above mentioned repo which contains already build ms-devlabs.rm-import-export-0.0.1.vsix

Step2: open https://<tfsserverurl>/tfs/_gallery/manage

Step3:- Click on 'Upload new extension'

Step4: Give path to ms-devlabs.rm-import-export-0.0.1.vsix (as downloaded in step#1 above)

Step5: Click on the 'Install' button for the referred extension

Step6:- You should be able to see the Clone, Export in the release definition context menu and Import the new definition toolbar.

Step7: Done