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CodeRush Xpress 9.2 Ships

The free CodeRush Xpress from DevExpress provides C# and VB developers with powerful extensions to Visual Studio. These features include editing and refactoring tools that make it easier for you to quickly produce well designed code. Version 9.2 of CodeRush Xpress, which shipped on August 25, 2009, has greatly improved memory and performance characteristics. 

CodeRush Express comes with a set of selection, navigation and declaration features, as well as over 60 refactorings which are grouped into the following categories:

  • Changing Signatures
  • Conditionals
  • Declaration and Initialization
  • Expressions
  • Lambda Expressions and Anonymous methods
  • Loops and Blocks
  • Properties and Fields
  • Moving/Extracting Methods
  • Resource Files and Strings
  • Types and Visibility


Figure 1: Dustin Campbell and Mark Miller discuss the cool features in CodeRush Xpress.

The new features in CodeRush Xpress 9.2 include:

  • Faster Performance
  • Reduced Memory Consumption
  • Support for Preprocessor Directives
  • Background Processing Progress Bar 

To learn more, watch the CodeRush Xpress 9.1 introductory video with Microsoft’s Dustin Campbell and CodeRush creator Mark Miller. You can also read an in-depth review of the new features in CodeRush Xpress 9.2 on Mark’s blog. A few months back, Dustin posted on some of the updated features in a May release of CodeRush Xpress, including

  • Duplicate Line,
  • Highlight All References
  • Increase or Reduce Selection
  • Smart Clipboard
  • Generate from Using
  • Quick Navigation Window
  • Quick File Navigation

Many of the features in CodeRush Xpress are also explained in depth on the DevExpress web site. For instance, you can click here for an explanation of the navigation features. In Figure 2 you can see a screen shot from the video which highlights some of the features of CodeRush Xpress.


Figure 2: A screen shot from the CodeRush Xpress introductory video shows the Refactor menu and New Field Active tip window. Click the picture to see a larger version.

CodeRush Xpress provides lots of tools designed to make coding inside Visual Studio easier. Take a look and see if it can help you get more work done in less time.

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