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Lacking Support?

Last Tuesday I received a forwarded email, alerting me that IBM has posted an official statement wrt Microsoft’s latest connector & their supported policy. Initially the talk centered on “what this means, and what we should do…”

After thinking about it I concluded the following few things:

  1. This is likely good news for Microsoft\customers as this signifies the connector is clearly being deployed, seen as a necessary\valuable coexistence tool (also based on # of downloads & support calls which IBM is seeing too) and known customers we know are implementing. Overall, we are happy to get any\all product feedback, we continue to learn, develop and improve the tool(s) and in this for the long-term.
  2. The latest June 7th v1.1 release of the connector addresses many of the issues customers initially reported with the v1.0 December release. You should download & install this latest version from here:
  3. Lou & Amy on my team have just finished an updated “Planning & Troubleshooter” guide (scheduled to release July 5th) that will help with many of the general setup & deployment issues customers are experiencing today. Microsoft sees the connector as a key coexistence tool & will continue to improve not only the existing Exchange 2003 version but also coming soon: a *new* Exchange 2007 version releasing with Exchange 2007 – it is super cool!!!
  4. Though IBM is publicly saying they will not support you beyond basic troubleshooting, I want to be clear: Microsoft will support you 100% in the installation & configuration of the connector.
  5. IBMs decision to pull support for their customers is unfortunate but we are more than happy to support them.

If you need help with the connector:


Get in contact with one of my worldwide team of senior Program Managers who know & work on our tools inside & out. For those Enterprise Customers who need direct engagement or assistance you should escalate to your TAMs or CATM for help.

Here is IBMs posting:


p.s. did anyone else notice how the original IBM press release changed? On Tuesday morning is said one thing, on Tuesday afternoon it said something much different… Seems reminiscent of when we had a bad link to the old Analyzer & IBM publicly called us on it… huh, interesting?


  • Anonymous
    June 20, 2006
    We had a little problem with the automatic updates on the SMS 2003 server last month and had to do a repair with the CD. little did we know it wiped out the licenses. I can't find our 20 user Licenses CALS that was in our action pack. (purchased separate from Atomic Park) Can Microsoft re-send us the license or will we  need to repurchase the CALS? Anyone?

    Please let me know

  • Anonymous
    June 21, 2006
    Todd, this wasn't a press release, and IBM didn't "pull" anything.  What a spin!  

    You're linking to a TECHNOTE -- which, by its nature, is constantly updated.  That's why it has a "last modified" date.  Press releases are different in that they are issued as statements -- a moment in time.

    As for "IBM's decision to pull support" -- there was no such decision.  This is a Microsoft product, Microsoft supports it.  I'm not sure why that would be a surprise to anyone.

  • Anonymous
    June 21, 2006
    I might be missing something but the link that you sent wasn't a press release but a Technote FAQ. By their very nature, these are designed to be modified.  I found the message that IBM was giving to be very reasonable and cannot fathom any reason why you might expect IBM to give support for a Microsoft product that Microsoft are changing regularly.  How could they?  In fact, I don't believe that IBM have ever supported the product beyond the internal Notes routing element which they still support. Rob

  • Anonymous
    June 21, 2006
    the last modified date shows 6/12/06.

    when was the orginal posting?  
    what prompted an update? -todd

  • Anonymous
    June 21, 2006
    In the most current redbook about migrating from Exchange (5.5) to Lotus Domino, IBM officially recommends using the Microsoft Connector (Chapter 4).  IBM recommends the tool as the preferred method for coexistence but doesn't support their recommendation.

    Todd's post contained the link to the technote that was published on June 12.  He became aware of the technote via a press release but linked to the detailed information rather than the press release itself.  The technote was updated almost immediately upon posting.

    - Amy

  • Anonymous
    June 21, 2006
    Amy, let me add to this with a little bit of truth. They do suggest it migrating FROM exchange to Domino. Of course, if Microsoft were to have bothered to make the connector one-way, IBM might develop their own. But why do this when you have a hook in to Exchange and Domino. And nowhere in that documentation do that say they support this, they just suggest it for coexistance/migration. I can go in to a small business running exchange and over a weekend switch that company from Exchange to Domino without the connector.

    The technote was updated (yes that is what the post says... updated) because this has been a technote that has been available for quite some time now. More like refreshed so that it shows as a technote still in IBM system. Poor assumption on your part.

    Additionally, I am surprised that someone on your team has come out with a post like this. Pretty much on the offense. I have enjoyed reading what your group is doing because Erik's posts have been fair and upbeat supporting his own tools rather than pointing fingers elsewhere. Maybe you should let Erik check your content before releasing unsubstantiated information.

  • Anonymous
    June 21, 2006
    David -

    Thank you for your kind words about the approach we've been taking with the blog.  We specifically do not want to use the blog to carry on fights with folks who don't agree with us.  

    My understanding of the intent of Todd's post was that he wanted to publicly state that Microsoft would support anyone who is using our connector - even if they were using it as per IBM's recommendation to move from Exchange to Domino.  

    I understand that you disagree with some of the way that this point was stated, and you are entitled to your opinion and we have no problem with allowing your comments to appear on the blog.  

    We stand by and support our products.

    - Amy

  • Anonymous
    June 21, 2006
    Amy/Todd -- I am still missing what press release you are talking about.  The redbooks page has a 2003 date on it.

    Regardless, whether we talk about the connector in a redbook or not has nothing to do with supporting a product that isn't ours.  We don't take support calls on the Binary Tree tools, either (nor do you, I assume).

  • Anonymous
    June 21, 2006
    Amy, thanks for that response. My point was to

    1. Point out this is a technote that has been out there for awhile and was updated to reflect Domino 7 support with your tool.

    2. State that Todd's entry in the group blog was out of sorts for the blog. Specifically referencing the following as a postscript:
    "p.s. did anyone else notice how the original IBM press release changed?  On Tuesday morning is said one thing, on Tuesday afternoon it said something much different…  Seems reminiscent of when we had a bad link to the old Analyzer & IBM publicly called us on it… huh, interesting?"

    I Remain,
    David DeWell

  • Anonymous
    June 21, 2006
    Oh I forgot to tell you Amy. IBM Stands by and supports THEIR products as well. The addition of that little bit to your post was not necessary.

  • Anonymous
    June 21, 2006
    I'm using  Lotus QuickPlace and I have a problem with the way MS IE 6.02 SP2 locks up when I edit an existing  MS Office XP Word doc.  I don't ahve this issue with a new Word doc.  Could you explain to me how I get support from MS for that and what MS's offical postion is on fixing that issue with IE locking up with MS Word docs served up by QuickPlace???

    Seems pretty obvious how companies do or do not provide support for 3rd party products now when you look at it that way doesn't it?

  • Anonymous
    June 22, 2006
    IBM officially recommends using our tool.

    As far as I know, there's no documentation where Microsoft recommends that anyone use QuickPlace.

    Apples != Oranges.

    If anyone needs assistance with our tools, we'll provide support, regardless of whether the tool is being used to migrate to Domino or from Domino.  That's what I think is important. I'm not going to respond to any future comments in this thread as we're not likely to change each other's minds, but I respect your thoughts and your right to express them.  I'm off on holiday for a few days.  Have a nice weekend!
    - Amy

  • Anonymous
    June 22, 2006
    I think I made the same point earlier Amy in that Microsoft recommends tools from Casahl, Proposion, Binary Tree, and other vendors in this same space.  They are mentioned in your whitepapers, they are in your presentations and proposals.

    You have a version of a Notes connector for Outlook -- it may have been withdrawn or not updated, but there is an MS version of this capability.  Does your shipping of it mean that you now support Domino?  Of course not.  In fact you explicitly disclaim such support in your technotes on the topic -- apples to apples.

    Or, are you saying that any time Microsoft officially recommends something, you will support it?  I have more important things to do, but I bet I could find a hundred examples where you've made "official recommendations" but don't support a third party's product.  

  • Anonymous
    June 22, 2006
    The key message here is 3 fold:

    1) customers implementing the connector have full support by Microsoft in the event they need assistance (#'s provided in my original post below).
    2) we continue to invest, improve & evolve the connector based on feedback - for both E2k3 & E12.
    3) the connector is clearly being seen as a valuable piece of technology & we are in this for the long-haul with continuous improvements occuring; I do look forward to our upcoming posts on Wave 12!!!

    thanks everyone for your comments.  I personally appreciate the feedback & know the team does as well.


  • Anonymous
    June 22, 2006
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    June 22, 2006
    Hey - I figured out how to comment here! Is it my imagination or does this change on a weekly (or should that be: Weakly!) basis ?



    ---* Bill

  • Anonymous
    June 22, 2006
    The comment has been removed