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EduGeek Conference 2012 - EDIT2012

 Another Year, Another EduGeek Conference with a great turn out as always. This year EduGeek decided to re-brand the conferences with a name 'EDIT' as oppose to just calling it the 'EduGeek Conference followed by the Year'.

I had the pleasure of being able to attend again this year and although I could only stay for the night before and the conference itself as oppose to staying for the 2 nights and conference it was a great conference indeed. Being able to catch up with some old friends and meet new people within the community.

The night before the conference around 15 of us went out for a meal at Tino's restaurant. I heard a lot of good feedback regarding the food and although I generally just had Steak and Fries as always, mind came with a sauce (which I did not expect as I did not really read the menu correctly) which was really nice! Although on the downside myself and shaun (zerohour) only had 1 beer as we failed to receive the 2 others we ordered! but we sure made up for that afterwards when we went to the Dog and Partridge pub on Friargate, Preston.

We actually did not stay out too late that evening but never the less it was a good night out in Preston, unfortunately due to them not having any Red-Bull I had to deal with Vodka & Boost instead! ;-) Thanks Shaun!

SO after a good night sleep the day of the conference begun, The conference was held at Westleigh Conference Centre as per last year and we had around 52 EduGeek Members attend along with a few exhibiters.

The schedule for the conference was as follows:

  • 08:00 EduGeek staff/exhibitors arrive for setup
  • 08:30 Delegates arrive coffee etc.
  • 09:00 Opening address
  • 09:15 - 10:00 Rick Byers: DPA Update
  • 10:00 - 10:45 Raspberry Pi: Pi Playtime
  • 10:45 - 11:00 Break
  • 11:00 - 11:45 Smoothwall: Internet security update
  • 11:45 - 12:30 Microsoft: Windows and Server 8
  • 12:30 - 13:30 Lunch
  • 13:30 - 14:15 Adobe: CS6
  • 14:15 - 15:00 Impero: BYOD
  • 15:00 - 15:15 Break
  • 15:15 – 16:00 Epson - Colour printing that doesn't cost the Earth
  • 16:00 – 17:00 Ask the admins
  • 17:00 Close
  • 19:00 Meal at the Phantom Winger

EduGeek appreciate the fact that not everyone is able to drive to Preston or able to attend on the day so as per last year we streamed the Conference to the Public using Adobe Connect. It worked flawlessly as per last year enabling users to participate in the conference virtually. Users were able to listen to the presentations, ask questions and get involved just like they would if they were physically sitting in at the conference.

A copy of the presentations can be found below:

After the conference had finished everyone went back to the hotel for an Evening Meal at Phantom Winger, I was unable to participate in that meal this year due to me having to get back home early but I did manage to swipe a quick beer! :-) ^Thanks Smoothwall

After the meal which was paid for by Smoothwall I believe the remainder of people who were staying for the 2nd night went back to the hotel for further drinks and great disscusions. I can't personally comment on how that went, but I can assume it was a great chance for everyone to catch up. :)

So, another successful conference is over informative presentations from speakers, great networking and socialising. I look forward to meeting up with everyone again at the next conference be it later on in the year at a possible southern conference or at BETT 2013. :-)

Thanks again to everyone who attended.

See You Soon!
