.NET 4 Location: Let's take a look at status...
In my last post, I showed how you can write a simple .NET 4 Location-enabled console application.This application just output the location of the PC/device when the location changed. Here, we'll see how we can write an application that displays changes in location status rather than location data.
Sample Code:
// This namespace is where you'll find the location API in .NET 4 // **Note that you'll have to add a reference to System.Device.dll first using System.Device.Location; namespace LocationConsoleApp { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Outputting location updates, press any key to exit..."); // The LocationWatcher object will monitor location updates // and output them to the console LocationWatcher watcher = new LocationWatcher(); Console.ReadKey(); } } class LocationWatcher { // Root object for the .NET 4 Location API // we'll hang on to a reference for the lifetime of // the LocationWatcher object private GeoLocationProvider provider; public LocationWatcher() { // Initialize our private member this.provider = new GeoLocationProvider(); // This event will get raised when the status of location data availability or // accessibility changes. Here, availability means whether or not data is being sent // from any of the available location sensors, and accessibility means whether or // not we have permissions to access the location provider(s) this.provider.StatusChanged += new EventHandler<GeoLocationStatusChangedEventArgs>(provider_StatusChanged); this.provider.Start(); } void provider_StatusChanged(object sender, GeoLocationStatusChangedEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine("LocationStatus: " + e.Status.ToString()); } } }
Here's the output I saw when I ran the application with a sensor enabled, then disabled and enabled the location sensor:
Here's an overview of the different GeoLocationStatus enum values:
Ready | There is a device that is ready to supply location data. |
Initializing | A device is working to acquire location data (such as when a GPS device is working to acquire a fix). |
NoData | There are no devices than can currently resolve location. |
Disabled | The location system feature has been disabled. On Windows 7, this is the case when the Sensors/Location platform has been disabled using group policy. |
NoPermissions | One or more location devices are available, but the application does not have permission to access any of the devices. |
So, when we started the application, we had location data available, and the corresponding status was "Ready". When I disabled the location sensor in the "Location and Other Sensors" CPL, our status updated to "NoPermissions". Finally, when I re-enabled the sensor, the sensor went to "Initializing" (default initial state while location data is acquired), then "Ready" again when data was available.
There's a simple into to how GeoLocationStatus works in .NET 4.
**Note: There will be some changes in this object model coming for RC, so make sure to check back here if you are writing .NET 4 Location apps
See ya,