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Appear Offline in Lync and other Customizations

Question: Is It Possible To Appear Offline In Lync?

Answer: yes Smile

In previous releases of Office Communication Server, like 2007 and 2007 R2, you could use Group Policies, to add and change the value of a registry DWORD value called “EnableAppearOffline” to 1, but now in Lync this is not necessary anymore since Lync enables you to create Client Policies!


Client Policies in Lync:

* replace group policy settings used in previous versions of the product

* enable you to tweak client settings, which will be enforced every time a user logs into Lync Smile

CsClientPolicy, where can I find more information?

For more information about Client Policies, head over to the following TechNet Articles:

CsClientPolicy, what can be customized?

With a client policy, you can control any of the following settings:

  • AddressBookAvailability
  • AttendantSafeTransfer
  • AutoDiscoveryRetryInterval
  • BlockConversationFromFederatedContacts
  • CalendarStatePublicationInterval
  • ConferenceIMIdleTimeout
  • CustomizedHelpUrl
  • CustomLinkInErrorMessages
  • CustomStateUrl
  • DGRefreshInterval
  • DisableCalendarPresence
  • DisableContactCardOrganizationTab
  • DisableEmailComparisonCheck
  • DisableEmoticons
  • DisableFederatedPromptDisplayName
  • DisableFeedsTab
  • DisableFreeBusyInfo
  • DisableHandsetOnLockedMachine
  • DisableHtmlIm
  • DisableICE
  • DisableInkIM
  • DisableMeetingAndSubjectLocation
  • DisableOneNote12Integration
  • DisableOnlineContextualSearch
  • DisablePhonePresence
  • DisablePICPromptDisplayName
  • DisablePoorDeviceWarnings
  • DisablePoorNetworkWarnings
  • DisablePresenceNote
  • DisableRTFIM
  • DisableSavingIM
  • DisplayPhoto
  • EnableAppearOffline
  • EnableCallLogAutoArchiving
  • EnableClientMusicOnHold
  • EnableConversationWindowTabs
  • EnableEnterpriseCustomizedHelp
  • EnableEventLogging
  • EnableExchangeContactSync
  • EnableExchangeDelegateSync
  • EnableFullScreenVideo
  • EnableHotdesking
  • EnableIMAutoArchiving
  • EnableNotificationsForNewSubscribers
  • EnableSQMData
  • EnableTracing
  • EnableUnencryptedFileTransfer
  • EnableUrl
  • EnableVOIPCallDefault
  • ExcludedContactFolders
  • HotdeskingTimeout
  • IMWarning
  • MAPIPollInterval
  • MaximumDGsAllowedInContactList
  • MaximumNumberOfContacts
  • MaxPhotoSizeKb
  • MusicOnHoldAudioFile
  • P2PAppSharingEncryption
  • PlayAbbreviatedDialTone
  • PolicyEntry
  • SearchPrefixFlags
  • ShowManagePrivacyRelationships
  • ShowRecentContacts
  • ShowSharepointPhotoEditLink
  • SPSearchCenterExternalURL
  • SPSearchCenterInternalURL
  • SPSearchExternalURL
  • SPSearchInternalURL
  • TabURL
  • WebServicePollInterval

CsClientPolicy, an example?

In this example, I will create a new CsClientPolicy, called “Users in Brussels”, which will:

  • enable the ability of appearing offline
    • EnableAppearOffine : $True
  • show a warning when starting an IM conversation
    • IMWarning : “It is possible that this conversation will be archived”
  • enable tracing for Lync
    • EnableTracing : $True
  • show 4 additional custom presence states
    • For more info about Custom Presence States, go here:
    • CustomStateUrl “https://pool.lync.local/custom.xml” (make sure this URL is reachable for the client when signing into Lync!!)
    • Where custom.xml contains the following content:

        <?xml version="1.0"?>
        <customStates xmlns="">

          <customState ID="1" availability="online">
            <activity LCID="1033">Working from Home</activity>
          <customState ID="2" availability="busy">
            <activity LCID="1033">Attending Online Training</activity>
            <activity LCID="1036">Suivre un Training Online</activity>
          <customState ID="3" availability="busy">
            <activity LCID="1033">Meeting with Customer</activity>
          <customState ID="4" availability="do-not-disturb">
            <activity LCID="1033">Demo Time</activity>


and then I will grant the policy to all users that have Brussels as their office.

Step 1. Create the policy

Using the Lync Shell cmdlet New-CsClientPolicy


Step 2. Grant the policy

Check who has got their office set to Brussels…


Grant and check the Client Policy….


Step 3. Check the settings

After logging in as Annelies Bulkens, it is clear the settings have been applied!

(By default, Lync will update client policies and settings every three hours…signing out and in, will force them immediately Smile)

Custom Presence States, and Appear Offline is available, same for logging…



And when starting and joining an IM conversation, the IM warning will pop up:


