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For your viewing pleasure …

For the last few weeks, on and off, Andrew and I have been working on a set of Videos on Windows 7 and Server 2008-R2, which are now available  on youTube. When we were kicking ideas around we came up with the idea of filming Andrew drawing cartoons of what the Screencasts will cover. Like most good collaborations once we got the idea neither of us is terribly certain who thought of what, and when we just being a listening post for the other. Andrew understood we could have click through navigation long before I did, so you click on something he has drawn and go to one of the screen casts which shows the detail. I must admit I never thought I’d end up spending an afternoon filming the linking up of cartoons with coloured string to illustrate remote desktop and VDI, and the though is always “Is this a great idea, or a waste of time”. So far we’ve had some very pleasing comments and if people have got suggestions for more stuff please let me (or Andrew) know about them. Other feed back is always welcome too.


  • Anonymous
    September 13, 2009
    Bravo! Very original approach. Love the series!

  • Anonymous
    September 14, 2009
    The comment has been removed