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Welcome to PDC!


Today we made the journey to Los Angeles, CA for the Microsoft Professional Developer’s Conference. Close to 6000 folks are converging on downtown LA as we speak! Windows Embedded is onsite in the Microsoft Pavilion – we’re nested in with other development tools, cool products, and otherwise fun stuff! Several folks are here from the Windows Embedded team, so stop by and see us!


One of the cool things going on here, are the PDC badges. lots of badges to be given out. Here’s the coveted Windows Embedded Badge – Thanks to Mike Hall and Dion Hutchings for the idea! We only have a limited number, so get yours early!



And here’s our POD – Sneak Peek! (It won’t look like that tomorrow) smile_wink Good Job setting up, Dion! You would be amazed at all the stuff we had to cram into that cabinet!





Don’t forget to attend the Keynote tomorrow at 8:30 AM PDT – Ray Ozzie will be speaking. I’ll post up some thoughts afterward.

Hope to see you soon!

