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jeff's WebLog

last post

Readers-- I'm leaving MSFT for other opportunities. As such, this will be my last post. Thanks for...

Date: 05/02/2007

why doesn't the favicon for my site appear in IE7?

Today I have a mini-FAQ on Favicons. Q: How do I make a favicon appear for my site in IE7?A: There...

Date: 03/01/2007

ie dev toolbar

I know, I'm a bit behind the times, but I finally installed it to check it out. If you haven't yet,...

Date: 09/22/2006

more fun with GetCommandLine()

Raymond mentioned this particular API once. I mention it, because I had to call it today. A certain...

Date: 08/10/2006

on CoUnmarshalInterface

CoUnmarshalInterface() and CoGetInterfaceAndReleaseStream() are not re-entrancy safe. This has...

Date: 08/07/2006

pop-up blocker and ActiveX controls, part three: creating a user initiated action

Note: This is part three in a series of posts explaining how ActiveX controls and the IE Pop-up...

Date: 07/20/2006

pop-up blocker and ActiveX controls, part two: HlinkSimpleNavigateToMoniker()

Note: This is part two in a series of posts explaining how ActiveX controls and the IE Pop-up...

Date: 07/20/2006

pop-up blocker and ActiveX controls, part one: IWebBrowser::Navigate(), IWebBrowser::Navigate2()

As I mentioned previously, one reason users may continue to experience unwanted pop-up windows while...

Date: 05/17/2006

why menus from tray notification icons don't go away

I was looking at the documentation for TrackPopupMenuEx() today and saw this in the remarks section....

Date: 05/01/2006

IOleCommandTarget, CGID_MSHTML and ActiveX controls

If you write an application that hosts the WebBrowser Control, and you want the control to do...

Date: 04/21/2006

on getting IOleCommandTarget wrong (and a bit in the middle about ActiveX controls)

IOleCommandTarget is very useful. It provides a generic way of sending commands between objects. IE...

Date: 04/11/2006

on 64 bit data conversion, comctl32 and reading the documentation

Question: What is wrong with this code? case WM_DRAWITEM:{ LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT pdis =...

Date: 04/06/2006

on IObjectWithSite, IOleObject and ActiveX controls

ActiveX® controls frequently need to communicate with their containing object. For example, a...

Date: 03/28/2006

how do i uninstall ie7 beta preview?

(I get a lot of e-mails asking this question.) Click Start -> Control Panel -> Add or Remove...

Date: 03/21/2006

laying blame where blame is due

At home, I have three computers. The first is my workstation which is used primarily for web...

Date: 03/20/2006

on pop-ups

I get a lot of e-mails from Internet Explorer users asking why they still get pop-ups even though...

Date: 03/08/2006

leaked IE7 builds

There are some builds floating around the net that claim to be the IE7 Beta 2 Preview release. These...

Date: 01/25/2006

lazowska says the sky is falling

Ed Lazowska, in his capacity as cochair of the Presidents Information Technology Advisory Committee...

Date: 10/03/2005

i can't trust the interwebatron

One problem I have noticed with using the Web to find certain quotes is that there are often several...

Date: 07/28/2005

scoble and chris jones

Scoble has posted an interview with Chris Jones. Chris is my lead's boss's boss's boss's boss. Chris...

Date: 07/27/2005

scoble and ballmer

Scoble posted the video of his chat with our CEO. It is a short 10 minute affair.

Date: 07/07/2005

interesting things observed from the lunch table

As chance would have it, the last two years or so I have been eating lunch with the Shell team...

Date: 07/05/2005

internet explorer's autocomplete

Frequently people are confused by the various dropdown quick-complete boxes in IE. Most people lump...

Date: 06/01/2005

Debugging and the C++ Renaming Problem

(Today we have another installment of Jeff's Real Microsoft Debugging Stories.) Recently a minor...

Date: 04/18/2005

the windows style guide

I am a UI programmer. I work on the BrowserUI team. Of course, very little of my time is spent...

Date: 12/07/2004

Index.dat Part III - How do I delete index.dat?

These data files are used by Internet Explorer and Windows Explorer. You cannot delete a file that...

Date: 11/19/2004

Index.dat: Part II - What are they used for?

As I mentioned in Part I, index.dat files are used by various features of IE to keep track of URLs...

Date: 11/18/2004

Index.dat: Part I - What is index.dat?

If you go poking around in [d]:\Documents and Settings[user name]\Local Settings\History, for...

Date: 11/18/2004


I am currently taking an AI class in the evenings. I am posting this link for my own reference. This...

Date: 10/29/2004

more on why ie will only let you save as bmp

...and why View->Source sometimes stops working. I had previously discussed this here. In that...

Date: 10/29/2004

computing too long

I think it is safe to say I have been around computers too long when I recognize the sound the...

Date: 10/04/2004

oppressive fork clarinet

Raymond's eagerly awaited spam-graph post went live today. Since he works downstairs I got a sneak...

Date: 09/16/2004

How do I change what CTRL+ENTER does in IE?

When using IE, CTRL+ENTER is a very useful shortcut. It puts 'https://www' before the text in the...

Date: 09/09/2004

IE shortcuts

My roommate had a house guest over this weekend and I woke one morning to find her in the office...

Date: 09/07/2004

mouseDown + mouseUp = click

Q: Why does IE6 + XP SP2 block new windows launched from my onMouseDown handler?A: We wanted Pop-up...

Date: 08/25/2004

dean on IE

Channel 9 got my great-grand-manager on Video talking about IE. He even mentions "tabs." Go check it...

Date: 08/13/2004

windows xp service pack 2 rtm

As just about everybody knows by now, SP2 has been released to manufacturing. For those of you who...

Date: 08/09/2004

how to cleanly start and stop explorer.exe

If you are running Windows XP and want a cmd prompt with no strange environment variables set, do...

Date: 07/22/2004

download.ject and

The security team has released an update to disable in Internet Explorer. It will be on...

Date: 07/02/2004


Peter and I have both been doing a bit of travelling recently. Between STL and NYC, I got Peter to...

Date: 06/25/2004

what have i been up to?

In May I was in STL, visiting my family and friends. This past week in of June, I was in NYC...

Date: 06/21/2004

windows xp sp2 rc2

I have been slacking in the posting department during my recent travels. RC2 shipped last week,...

Date: 06/21/2004
