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Windows 8 Game JumpStarts – March 6 and 14

Whether we admit it or not, we’re playing games all the time… waiting in line, during conference calls, on the train, driving, etc. The great thing about mobile and social games is that you don’t have to build Angry Birds to be modestly successful, and you don’t have to be a Ph.D. in graphics or physics engines to build one. There is a wide variety of entry points to game creation, some involving no code! The time is now to tap into the burgeoning Windows 8 market and carve a slice of the pie, and a Windows 8 Game JumpStart is just the launch pad you need!

Wednesday March 6th 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester NY Register now!   Thursday, March 14th 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. NERD Cambridge, MA Register now!

This JumpStart is a free, full day of instruction, with sessions that guide you from introductory to intermediate topics as the day unfolds. Throughout the day, we'll show you around Windows 8 development with a focus on game development, which is one of the largest areas of opportunity for app developers.

We'll cover core Windows 8 concepts and features for your games, game development concepts, and guidance on building and deploying your games. The day will also include looks at various cross-platform tools and frameworks for app and game development that can help you get started quickly or bring games to Windows 8 from other platforms.