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So jfo and I were talking lately...
May 03, 2006
No more feature requests JIM!Anonymous
May 03, 2006
So, you're saying it has to be easy enough to use like this?Anonymous
May 04, 2006
I know Microsoft encourages it's employees to try to solve problems outside their normal work flow, but you need to know your limits.Anonymous
May 04, 2006
[The real reason for the recent Vista delay]
You deleted the Windows Vista source code?Anonymous
May 04, 2006
...and I was bouncing some ideas off of him but it seemed as if I might as well be talking to an empty bucket. :)Anonymous
May 04, 2006
can you hear me now? can you hear me NOW?Anonymous
May 04, 2006
We want you to redo the layout code in winforms.Anonymous
May 05, 2006
The comment has been removedAnonymous
October 31, 2006
Great work! [url=http://njgdnvzv.com/qnij/jeur.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://rmylwyrk.com/mrqk/gcwd.html]Cool site[/url]Anonymous
October 31, 2006
Well done! <a href="http://njgdnvzv.com/qnij/jeur.html">My homepage</a> | <a href="http://uegjhblp.com/xhqr/ftza.html">Please visit</a>Anonymous
October 31, 2006
Good design! http://njgdnvzv.com/qnij/jeur.html | http://xabjqula.com/gghz/zjca.htmlAnonymous
November 01, 2006
No... sorry... it's just not working. I've seen you without the bucket.Anonymous
November 14, 2006
Thank you! [url=http://myblechx.com/hcnd/weku.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://xzfbzals.com/ymak/exgh.html]Cool site[/url]Anonymous
November 14, 2006
Well done! <a href="http://myblechx.com/hcnd/weku.html">My homepage</a> | <a href="http://qrcobody.com/hlts/dayv.html">Please visit</a>Anonymous
November 14, 2006
Thank you! http://myblechx.com/hcnd/weku.html | http://cekhpluz.com/kfwv/wysf.htmlAnonymous
June 13, 2009
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