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Life moves pretty fast...

... and if we don't stop and smell the roses... ah who am I kidding. I'm not word sleuth. But I do know this. My wife and I had our first child, a cute little boy named Jacob, back in March. He's growing like a weed. I can hardly believe how fast they grow. Somedays I wish that he'd just grow faster so we could go do things together. Then again, I don't want to rush things. We live in a time where we expect everything to happen so quickly, often not wanting to wait for things any longer than absoletly necessary. I really hope I don't become one of those parents that expect my toddler to act as if they are all grown up and mature. Those people get under my skin. Kids need to be kids. They need to enjoy their childhood while they can, because before THEY know it they'll be old enough to where they have to attend school, go to work, and take on adult responsibilities. No sense in rushing that.

I sort of feel sorry for those children that happen to be super smart that are sent off to college when they are in their wee teen years. I didn't attend college until I was in my early twenties. Oh wait, I forgot about those 3 quarters I spent at the local Community College after High School, but those don't really count. Back to the topic at hand. Where was I? Oh yes.. smart kids and college. If Jacob (my son, from the first paragraph) were to be one of those brainiacs, would I send him to College? Um.. let me see.. NO. I would do everything I could to allow him to continue his education, but I wouldn't send him off until he was physically and emotionally ready for what a college campus had to offer.

I do look forward to seeing my son grow up and experience life. Seeing what he has been going through already has been a treat. I can only imagine what the future will hold.
