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You Need to Know : You may encounter error code -2146498298 when SQL Server 2012 installing on Windows Server 2012

   Hi all :

   Windows Server 2012 already RTM , you may want to install more applications to the Windows Server 2012 . SQL Server 2012 is one of the most important applications!

   SQL Server 2012 need .Net Framework 3.5 and .Net Framework 4.0 ; .Net Framework 4.0 is already installed on Windows Server 2012 , so you need to installing .Net Framework 3.5 , even under the Windows Server 2012 OS.

   When you installing SQL Server 2012 on Windows Server 2012 , on Feature Selection dialog box , you can see the .Net Framework 3.5 to be turned on :

      If you Ignore this step , you may encounter Error Code : -2146498298 , like this :

      And the finally , installing failed :

       Now I use DISM command tool to check windows server features status :

       Dism / online /get-features | more

       Run this command , you can see NetFx3ServerFeatures & NetFx3 features not enable :

    Use two commands to enable these two features :

Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFx3ServerFeatures /source:X:\sources\sxs

Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFx3 /source:X:\sources\sxs

  Enable finished , you can check them again :

    You can reinstall SQL Server 2012 ,on the Feature Selection dialog box , you can saw .Net Framework 3.5 already installed :

     Continue to complete the installation.


     Enjoy !

     Justin Gao

     Microsoft (China)