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Make Outlook even faster – as seen on TV!

Hey folks


Long time no blog; we’ve been heads down here at Outlook Headquarters as we start thinking what’s next after Outlook 2007. At the same time a portion of the team has been working feverishly to release the Outlook 2007 Performance Update, the answer to some of the performance problems that our customers have been seeing with Outlook and especially those with larger mailboxes on their computers.


Here’s some more information direct from the development team:


The update incorporates a number of performance improvements and is designed to improve the general responsiveness of Outlook during common operations including reading, moving, deleting and downloading e-mail messages for users who have large mailbox files (.pst and .ost files) stored on their computers. In addition, it contains a fix for a calendar related privacy issue, wherein delegates to a user’s calendar could potentially view calendar items marked as “private” when searching for items in the delegate’s calendar.  


 Customers who download the update may notice:

· A decrease in the amount of time it takes to copy messages from one folder to another. 

· An increase in the download speed when downloading multiple or large messages from the Exchange Server.

· A reduction in the amount of time it takes to delete messages.


Microsoft also made an additional update available that addresses compatibility issues between the Outlook update and Outlook 2007 with Business Contact Manager. Customers using Outlook 2007 with Business Contact Manager are strongly encouraged to download both the Hotfix and the patch. Customers who prefer to receive both fixes simultaneously can wait to do so until they are delivered together in Microsoft’s automated customer updates in the near future.


And here’s how to download it:



I hope that helps make your Outlook 2007 experience even faster and more reliable.
