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Welcome to Office Rocker!

Hello, welcome to my blog. I'm Darren Strange, the Office "12" PM in the UK. My job is to bring Office "12" to market in the UK. I'm hoping you are here because you are interested in Office and in particular, the next wave of the Office products, servers and services, codenamed Office "12". This won't be the final name of course just as Longhorn was renamed as Windows Vista. Office "12" is scheduled for release towards the end of 2006.

I want to use this blog to keep you informed about what is happening in the run up to the launch of Office "12". Although I will try to post all the main announcements as they are released so you don't miss something, I want to use the blog to add my own personal views and perspective about those announcements. Where I come across interesting stories or good resources I'll be sharing those too. I should point out that these views are my own and may not always align with the corporate view - but that's part of the fun about blogging.

I'm looking forward to having some discussions and if you have some feedback on the blog or the product, drop me an email.

Hope it proves to be a help to you. :-)

