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Installation Notice for SharePoint 2010 Public Beta

[3/9/2010 - WCF fix need to be installed after .Net Framework 3.5.1 is enabled (since it's a WCF fix, which is part of .Net Framework. Otherwise it cannot apply to the system. This fix will be automatically downloaded and installed by pre-requisite installer in RC/RTM build)

[12/7 - +Office Web Apps on Win7] 

[11/23 - added a short notice on win7+Office Web Application - this will not install and no workaround so far] 

[11/21 - added setup keys in case people can't find them]

[11/19 - updated user profile sync instructions - update WCF Fix for R2 and Win7 - update script for PowerPoint View/Edit] 

Since SharePoint 2010 has been made available for MSDN/TechNet subscriber public now, here’re some steps you would like to follow to get a successful installation. But keep in mind: This beta is not supported and you CANNOT upgrade the installation to RTM when it’s released. This Beta should only be used for evaluation purpose.

The public download of SharePoint Server 2010 Beta (Enterprise) is here:

The key you can use is:


BV7VC-RMR6B-26P6Y-BTQDG-DX2KQ This key should be avoided - it is a wrong key.

Any one in the two would work. 

Please note there's no technical difference between SharePoint Server 2010 + Enterprise CAL and SharePoint Server for Internet Sites Enterprise. It is only about licensing.

  1. Read hardware and software requirement article on TechNet.

  2. Prepare a Windows Server 2008 x64 machine with 8GB memory. Windows Server 2008 R2 requires a hotfix which is not yet released to have the service applications running so I don’t recommend to use that now which is released finally so now you can use it . Web Server Editions are not supported. Windows Server Fundation edition is not supported either. You can also install SharePoint 2010 on Windows 7 and Vista, however additional steps would be required as pre-requisite installer does not work currently on client OS.Windows 7 N and KN would not work due to an installer bug. Please also note Office Web Application cannot needs to follow the same edit of config.xml to be installed on client OS.

    If you give the machine very little memory, something like 2GB, and even have SQL Server running on the same machine, you would likely to get some timeout errors with service applications, for example, search and user profile.

  3. Get your AD ready. Create a new account for services, for example contoso\sp_admin.
    1.       Open Active Directory Users and Computers
    2.       Right click domain and select “Delegate Control”
    3.       Click Next
    4.       Click Add
    5.       Enter object name (i.e. contoso\sp_admin)
    6.       Click Ok
    7.       Click Next
    8.       Select “Create a custom task to delegate”
    9.       Click Next
    10.     Check "Replicating directory changes”
    11.     Click Next
    12.     Click Finish

  4. Prepare SQL Server 2005/2008 envoriment. If it is on a different box, don't forget Windows Firewall settings. For SQL Server on Windows 2008/R2, you can use the script in KB968872 to open all necessary ports.

    1. SQL Server 2005 SP3 and CU3
    2. SQL Server 2008 SP1 and CU2
  5. Run Pre-Requisition Installer to download and install required components. You can also download them seperately. I listed all download links in SharePoint 2010 Pre-Requisites Download Links. The links are also available in requirement article, or by clicking “Learn more about…” in the installer.

  6. Install WCF FIX: A hotfix that provides a method to support the token authentication without transport security or message encryption in WCF is available for the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 (Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2) . Please note the 2008 fix also applies to Vista, while the 2008 R2 fix also applies to Windows 7.
    If you don't have this fix installed, you will get "Unrecognized attribute 'allowInsecureTransport'" error in ULS log. And most of the service applications will not run properly.

  7. Setup the farm using complete farm installation. Standalone installation is not recommended, and should be only used when you want to install SharePoint 2010 on Windows 7/Vista for dev purpose.

  8. Go with configuration wizard to setup all service applications. Use the user you created in step 3 as SharePoint Managed Account for services and web applications.

  9. Read Config Profile Synchronization to setup profile sync. Dave Pae is going to post complete steps for Profile Sync on SharePoint Team Blog. Follow the instruction on SharePoint Team Blog. You can also check my steps on how to setup user profile sync.

  10. If you are using SharePoint on DC, the following Windows PowerShell command would need to be run to enable Sandboxed Solutions.
    $acl = Get-Acl HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName
    $person = [System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]"Users"
    $access = [System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryRights]::FullControl
    $inheritance = [System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags]"ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit"
    $propagation = [System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags]::None
    $type = [System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType]::Allow
    $rule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryAccessRule($person, $access, $inheritance, $propagation, $type)
    Set-Acl HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName $acl

  11. If you are trying to use Office Web Apps on DC(Office Web Application need to be installed seperately, like a language pack or an update. Please also note that Office Web Application cannot be installed on needs to follow the same edit of config.xml to install on Windows 7), then the following commands need to be run to make the services work. Please note that in different languages, Service Application names could be localized. You can find them out by Get-SPServiceApplications, and then change the names in the script as necessary.

    Please do note that Office Web Apps is not supported on a DC. So this configuration should never be used in production.

    $e = Get-SPServiceApplication | where {$_.TypeName.Equals("Word Viewing Service Application")}
    $e.WordServerIsSandboxed = $false

    $p = Get-SPServiceApplication | where {$_.TypeName.Equals("PowerPoint Service Application")}
    $p.EnableSandboxedViewing = $false
    $p.EnableSandboxedEditing = $false
    $p.EnableSandboxedEditing #(Please use the below script for PowerPointServiceApplication - You need to enter "Y" for the answer of each cmd)
    Get-SPPowerPointServiceApplication | Set-SPPowerPointServiceApplication -EnableSandboxedViewing $false
    Get-SPPowerPointServiceApplication | Set-SPPowerPointServiceApplication -EnableSandboxedEditing $false

    In the server's c:\windows\system32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config
    Add the line below in the end of the dynamicTypes.
    <add mimeType="application/zip" enabled="false" />


  12. Enable Developer Dashboard and turn to OnDemand for troubleshooting page performance issues. It can be done by STSADM or SharePoint 2010 Management Shell (Windows PowerShell).

    1. STSADM: stsadm -o setproperty -pn developer-dashboard -pv OnDemand

    2. Windows PowerShell:





Happy SharePointing!

Jie Li

Technical Product Manager, SharePoint