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Part 1: Hello feeds

Hi, I'm Jane. Everyone I know spends their free time browsing the internet… whether it’s catching up on the news, reading friends’ blog, or looking for that perfect web deal, book, person. But scanning a site to see what you’ve read versus what’s new can be tiring. And it’s frustrating to find that there’s nothing new to read after all that work. With the IE7 Beta 2 Preview, we added a convenient way interacting with the internet: Subscribing to feeds. Subscribe to Feeds

Feeds are a different format of the website’s content that allows software to determine if there is something new available. It can range from a new article on, a new movie release on Netflix, or a new journal entry on a friend’s blog. With IE7 Beta 2 Preview, you can subscribe to your favorite websites’ feed and read new updates directly in the browser.

1. Feed Discovery Button – The Feed Discovery button tells you if there is a feed detected on the webpage you’re looking at. It lives on the Command Bar and lights up when a feed is found. Clicking on it takes you to the Feed Reading Page.

Feed Discovery Button

2. Feed Reading Page – This is the view of the feed for reading. When you subscribe to a feed, you can determine the new content versus the content that you’ve seen before. We also have controls for inline search, sorting, and filtering to quickly get to the content that is interesting to you.

Feed Reading View

3. Feed list – The list of feeds that are you subscribed sits next to your favorites. A feed is bold if there is new content available for you.

Feed List

There are 4 parts to the feed reading experience: discovering, subscribing, reading, and managing. If you want to find more, read the next two posts.

Part 2: Discovery and Subscribe

Part 3: Read and Manage

 - Jane