백서 : SharePoint용 데이터베이스 유지보수 가이드
SharePoint 제품의 데이터 저장소로 사용되는 SQL Server의 유지보수 시 권장 가이드라인에 대해 잘 설명하고 있는 백서가 발표되었습니다; [다운로드 받기]
본 백서의 주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다.
This white paper provides information and guidelines for maintaining the databases that host Microsoft® SharePoint® Products and Technologies data and configurations. It describes and provides examples of the database maintenance tasks that we recommend when using SharePoint Products and Technologies.
Before you implement any database maintenance tasks or modify your SharePoint Products and Technologies databases, read the following MSDN support articles:
1. Support for changes to the databases that are used by Office server products and by Windows SharePoint Services (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=110812\&clcid=0x409)
2. Information about the Maintenance Plan Wizard in SQL Server 2005 and about tasks that administrators can perform against SharePoint databases (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=110813\&clcid=0x409)
Table of Contents
Check for and repair consistency errors by using DBCC CHECKDB
DBCC CHECKDB and performance
Measure and reduce fragmentation
Measure fragmentation in a SQL Server 2005 database (sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats)
Measure fragmentation in a SQL Server 2000 database (DBCC SHOWCONTIG)
Reducing Fragmentation for a Database
Reducing fragmentation for a specific table and its indexes
Fine tuning index performance by setting fill factor
Shrinking data files
Shrinking a database by using Transact-SQL commands
Shrinking a database by using SQL Server 2005 Management Studio
Creating SQL Server 2005 Maintenance Plans
Configure a SQL Server 2005 Database Maintenance Plan