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B2E scenario : Intranet Environment

The B2E scenario corresponds to internal Web applications, traditionnaly built with some dynamic HTML/AJAX technology running on the server side, that have been elected to leverage the Silverlight capabilities (enriched user experience, vector based contents, scaling, rich media…).

As listed in Silverlight scenarios for Rich Internet Applications, the following constraints apply to the Intranet Environment scenario :

  1. Infrastructure security is optional as we are in a IT governed environment,
  2. Protocol adaptation is required if the application is interfaced with pre-existing Web Services that cannot be immediatly consumed by Silverlight. This extract work is performed by a mediation layer, materialized in the schema below by the Services Gateway .
  3. Authentication & authorization is required for Line of Business Applications to secure read and write access to Entreprise Data. Windows integrated authentication would be the preferred way for an intranet scenario. If you want wish to use Form or Claim based authentication, take a look at the B2B and B2C scenarios.
  4. A cross domain security file is needed if the Services Gateway is implemented or if the Site Of Origin does not host the Web Services (as in interoperability scenarios where the Site of Origin and the Web Services rely on two different technologies).

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We plan to experiment SOAP/RPC and XML/REST configuration in Full Windows, Full Java and Mixt environment.

We’ll also demonstrate how Web Services invoked from Silverlight can leverage the Authentication & Authentication facilities provided by IIS/ASP.NET through interoperabiliy.
