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Sean Lumley's Blog

Web/Load Testing

Great Web/Load testing resource

Ed Glas has put together a great index of resources for web/load testing. Check it out, there is a...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 07/02/2007

New location for sample reports and sample extraction/validation rules

The sample reports I put together have moved to We also...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 07/02/2007

Orcas Feature: Load Test Execution/Post Run UI Enhancements

Check out this blog post for a description of the enhancements made to the load test execution/post...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 06/14/2007

Load Test Execution/Post Run UI Enhancements

This post will describe enhancements to the load test execution/post run UI in the Orcas release of...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 06/14/2007

Orcas Feature: Web Test Playback UI Enhancements

Check out this post to see some of the enhancements to the web test playback UI:...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 06/14/2007

Web Test Playback Enhancements

This post will give you an overview of some of the enhancements to the web test playback UI. Most of...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 06/14/2007

Orcas Feature: Load Test Summary Report

Check out this blog post for more information on the Load Test Summary report feature available in...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 06/14/2007

Load Test Summary Report

This post will give you an overview of the new Load Test Summary Report available in the Orcas...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 06/14/2007

Orcas Feature: Managing Load Test Results

Check out this post for information on how to use the new Manage Load Test Results Feature:...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 06/14/2007

Managing Load Test Results

This post will give you an overview of the new Load Test Result Manager Feature in the Orcas release...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 06/14/2007

Orcas Feature: Web Test Correlation Helper

Check out this blog post for information on the new Web Test Correlation Helper feature which will...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 06/14/2007

Web Test Correlation helper feature in Orcas

This post will give you an overview of the new Correlation Helper feature in the Orcas release of...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 06/14/2007

Another Fiddler Web Test Plugin Example

Please see this article for a simple example of a fiddler web test plugin:...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 04/18/2007

Another Fiddler Plugin Example

Here is another example of a fiddler plugin. This plugin will loop through each request and mark a...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 04/18/2007

Developing a Fiddler Web Test Plugin

The following article walks you through the process of writing your own fiddler web test plugins and...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 04/17/2007

Writing Fiddler Web Test Plugins

My last blog post discussed changes made to fiddler which added enhanced support for saving web...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 04/17/2007

Recording Web Tests with Fiddler

The following article discusses enhancements made to fiddler which make it easier to use fiddler for...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 04/17/2007

Enhanced web test support in Fiddler

If you have ever had trouble recording a web site with the web recorder included in VSTS, then we...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 04/17/2007

Debugging Web Tests

This article will walk you through the process for debugging a web test....

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 04/10/2007

How to debug a Web Test

The first thing to understand about a failing web test is that the request which fails is not always...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 04/10/2007

Adding multiple test and request plugins to a web test

This post walks you through the process of adding multiple plugins to webtests. First I’ll walk you...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 12/19/2006

Adding multiple plugins to a web test

The following post walks you through the process of adding multiple request and test plugins to a...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 12/19/2006

Adding multiple plugins to web tests

This post walks you through the process of adding multiple plugins to webtests. First I’ll walk you...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 12/19/2006

Improve load test performance on multi-processor machines

This post is about improving the performance of a load test when running the test on a...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 12/15/2006

ASP.Net Load Test Maintenance App

This post will show you how to use a simple app I created which will allow you to delete old...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 12/15/2006

Adding Analysis Comments to a Load Test

This post will show you how to add analysis comments to a load test run. This is useful if you want...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 12/15/2006

Passing Load Test Context Parameters to Unit Tests

This post will show you how to pass load test context parameters to a unit test. This may be useful...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 12/15/2006

Load Test Reports

I have been working on creating a set of reports which will report on the data in the Load Test...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 12/15/2006

Custom Data Binding in Web Tests

We have had a few questions about being able to data bind web tests to either formats that we do not...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 12/15/2006

Load Testing Web Services with Unit Tests

This post is going to focus on load testing web services. The web services will be called from unit...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 12/15/2006

Stopping a webtest on a request error

This post provides a sample WebTestRequestPlugin that shows you how to stop a web test when an error...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 12/15/2006

Adding an IE7 Browser Template for use by Web Tests

This post walks you through the process of adding a new IE7 browser template that can be used by...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 12/15/2006

Adding an IE7 Browser Template for use by Web Tests

Here is an article for adding an IE7 Brwoser template:...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 11/14/2006

Stopping a webtest on a request error

Here is an article for how to stop a web test when an error occurs:...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 09/21/2006

Visual Studio Team System Public MSDN Chat


Author: slumley MSFT Date: 09/06/2006

ASP.Net Load Test Maintenance App

This post will show you how to use a simple app I created which will allow you to delete old...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 06/28/2006

Improve load test performance on multi-processor machines

This post is about improving the performance of a load test when running the test on a...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 06/14/2006

Adding Analysis Comments to a Load Test

This post will show you how to add analysis comments to a load test run. This is useful if you want...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 05/19/2006

Passing Load Test Context Parameters to Unit Tests

This post will show you how to pass load test context parameters to a unit test. This may be useful...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 05/15/2006

Load Testing Web Services with Unit Tests

Here is an article which describes how to load test web services with unit tests:...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 04/14/2006

Custom Data Binding in Web Tests

We have had a few questions about being able to data bind web tests to either formats that we do not...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 04/07/2006

Load Test Reports are Available

The following link is for the load test reports which I wrote about in the last post. These reports...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 04/03/2006

Load Test Reports

I have been working on creating a set of reports which will report on the data in the Load Test...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 02/16/2006

Adding Different Types of Data Sources to a Web Test

Here is an article which describes how to add different types of data sources to a web test:...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 02/08/2006


I'd like to start this blog by introducing myself. I'm a Software Design Engineer/Test (SDET) on the...

Author: slumley MSFT Date: 01/27/2006
