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Wow – it’s been busy, I think I always say that, but it really has been...

Since I last blogged there have been a few updates to my team.

· Mike Zeff – jointed the team as the Developer Advisor for Software Vendors (ISV’s)

· Dean Edwards – joined the team as marketing manager

· Mark Walton – jointed the team (on a contract basis) at the developer tools sales person


Rest of the team:

· Nigel Parker – has moved onto a role focused on the ‘User Experience’

· Paul Lo – Academic Advisor and On-line

· Mark Carroll – Architect Advisor

· Darryl Burling – Developer Advisor Community

· Nathan Mercer – IT Professional Advisor

· Robert Walters – Operations Manager

· Xiang Zhang – Intern Academic Advisor


This page is pretty up-to-date with links to all blogs etc..