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Getting More Information About You Cluster LUN’s (Part 3 of 3)

So here’s the scenario you need or want to figure out which LUN is which on your cluster…

On Tuesday I published part 1 where I utilized Get-ClusterParameter and the DiskUniqueIds property to enumerate LUN information for cluster storage, in part 2 I simplified that same approach.   In today’s post I am going to continue utilizing the Get-ClusterParameter again looking at the Physical Disk Private Properties however in this post I’ll be looking at the DiskIdGuid property.  This property contains the GUID for a physical disk formatted with as GPT.  Using this GUID we can match it with VDS and get all of the good information that VDS has about disks.

Method 1

This method is fully supported by Microsoft and is relatively strait forward.

Step 1: Import the FailoverClusters module into your PowerShell Window  
              Import-Module FailoverClusters
Step 2: Get the CSV object your interested in using the Get-ClusterSharedVolume cmdlet
              $csv = Get-ClusterSharedVolume –Name “MyCSV”
Step 3: Get the Cluster Parameters for the CSV object using Get-ClusterParameter
              $CSVParams = Get-ClusterParameter -InputObject $csv
Step 4: Filter to get just the DiskIdGuid 
              ($CSVParams | Where-object -FilterScript {$_.Name -eq "DiskIdGuid"}).Value

Ok now you’ve got the GUID for the LUN it will be something like {32443078-9afc-4c0a-b142-466f582a4051}.

Step 5: Start diskpart.exe
Step 6: Start iterating over disks using select disk <number> and then uniqueid disk until you match the GUID’s. It will look like this:

C:\Users\taylorb>diskpart.exe Microsoft DiskPart version 6.1.7601 Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Microsoft Corporation. On computer: 37-4611K2713G

DISKPART> select disk 1 Disk 1 is now the selected disk.

DISKPART> uniqueid disk Disk ID: {F1B5319E-FF92-40BB-9BC9-D5FFAD0AD66B}

DISKPART> select disk 2 Disk 2 is now the selected disk.

DISKPART> uniqueid disk Disk ID: {32443078-9AFC-4C0A-B142-466F582A4051}

Step 7: Once you find the disk you want you can use the detail disk command to get more information.  It will look like this:

DISKPART> detail disk

IBM 2810XIV Multi-Path Disk Device Disk ID: {32443078-9AFC-4C0A-B142-466F582A4051} Type : FIBRE Status : Reserved Path : 0 Target : 1 LUN ID : 2 Location Path : UNAVAILABLE Current Read-only State : No Read-only : No Boot Disk : No Pagefile Disk : No Hibernation File Disk : No Crashdump Disk : No Clustered Disk : Yes

There are no volumes.

Method 2

This method utilizes an undocumented and unsupported class I first posted about previously in Using The Virtual Disk Service (VDS) From Powershell to Mount and Use VHD's as well as in Virtual Disk Service (VDS) Powershell Script Version 2 - Previously Created Volume Support + Mount Points + Bug Fixes.  Again I must reiterate this is not an officially supported API it has no warrantee – it may break at any time and Microsoft Support can not and will not help you with it.  Now that the disclaimer is over – in this example I am using the VDS api’s to do the mapping for me.


#Load the Microsoft Storage VDS Library #This is an undocumented, unsupported library, there is no warrantee nor gaurantees. [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.Storage.Vds") | Out-Null $VdsServiceLoader = New-Object Microsoft.Storage.Vds.ServiceLoader $VdsService = $VdsServiceLoader.LoadService($null) $VdsService.WaitForServiceReady() $VdsService.Reenumerate() #Build up a collection of all disks presented to the os $Disks = ($VdsService.Providers |% {$_.Packs}) |% {$_.Disks} #Import the FailoverClusters module Import-Module FailoverClusters #Retreve all of the CSV Lun's $AllCSVs = Get-ClusterSharedVolume foreach ($Csv in $AllCSVs) {     $CSVParams = Get-ClusterParameter -InputObject $Csv     #Retreve the DiskIDGuid Object from the Cluster Parameters $DiskGUIDString = ($CSVParams | Where-object -FilterScript {$_.Name -eq "DiskIdGuid"}).Value     #Match up the DiskID's $Disk = ($Disks | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.DiskGuid -eq $DiskGUIDString})         Write-Host "CSV ClusterResourceName: " $Csv.Name         Write-Host "DiskID: " $DiskGUIDString         Write-Host "DiskFriendlyName: " $Disk.FriendlyName         Write-Host "DiskName: " $Disk.Name         Write-Host "DiskAddress: " $Disk.DiskAddress         Write-Host }

Sample Output

Windows PowerShell Copyright (C) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

PS C:\Users\taylorb>.\GetCSVDevInfo1.ps1

CSV ClusterResourceName: Cluster_CSV1_IBMXIV DiskID: {32443078-9afc-4c0a-b142-466f582a4051} DiskFriendlyName: IBM 2810XIV Multi-Path Disk Device DiskName: \\?\PhysicalDrive2 DiskAddress: Port1Path0Target1Lun2

CSV ClusterResourceName: Cluster_CSV2_IBMXIV DiskID: {ee36e403-75cb-4e23-87b4-e82af7949f4e} DiskFriendlyName: IBM 2810XIV Multi-Path Disk Device DiskName: \\?\PhysicalDrive3 DiskAddress: Port1Path0Target1Lun3

CSV ClusterResourceName: Cluster_CSV3_IBMXIV DiskID: {5db28bcb-6ed3-4b80-b363-861a25cc10e4} DiskFriendlyName: IBM 2810XIV Multi-Path Disk Device DiskName: \\?\PhysicalDrive4 DiskAddress: Port1Path0Target1Lun4

Taylor Brown Hyper-V Enterprise Deployment Team
