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FAQ #4: How do you change to format of a date on a work item?

Recently, we were asked: A customer wants to format the dates in the Work Item to the format of DDMMMYYY (e.g. 05Feb2008) instead of the standard MMDDYYYY (e.g. 02032008)

This answer comes from Aliaksei Baturytski on our team:

You can change the way date/time fields appear on the form by using DateTimeControl control type in the form definition XML with the following attributes:

Type: DateTimeControl

Format: Long/Short/Time/Custom (members of DateTimePickerFormat enumeration)

CustomFormat: custom format for the date field.

By setting format to “Custom” and specifying your format you can achieve what you want. However, please be aware that customization has effect only on the work item form; you cannot change appearance of the date/time fields in the results list of a query.