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Use this beautiful Thanksgiving design set

We have a lot for which to be thankful right now! Thanksgiving is only three weeks away, and this year, it's more special. This holiday, I'm going all out and hosting dinner at my house. (For those of you invited, no, I'm not cooking, so please come over.)

I'm using this Thanksgiving design set called "Harvest," which you can download and customize for yourself.

First, I'm sending out the invitation (click on the image to get to the download):

For my relatives and good friends that live too far away and most likely can't make it, I'm including a letter with the invitation for a personal touch. Here is the stationery:


Next, I'll create my menu and add names to place cards (fancy - I know):


And, finally, after the big event, I'll send thank you cards to everyone who attended:

If you have a great Thanksgiving design set, please share it. Maybe I'll use yours, instead!

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