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Tracking MIX09

In previous years, I’ve posted a live blog here of the major announcements at our flagship developer conferences. This year I’m going to try and do the same over on the MIX09 site, with “raw” regular updates of the key announcements; I’ll then wrap-up with a slightly more polished, detailed version on my blog here. If you’re looking for the action as it happens, check out the MIX site; if you want to come back later in the day for the full works, you’ll find that here.

And then, after the keynote we have a web exclusive! Jeff Attwood from and Jeff Sandquist from our own Channel 9 will be moderating an online video chat with Scott Guthrie with the brilliant name of “AskTheGu”. Tune into and send your questions in advance using Twitter with the #askthegu keyword.
