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Microsoft Health Common User Interface: Patient Journey Demonstrator

I have been thinking of all the many topics that I would like to blog about recently, but the first that springs to mind is the brand new Silverlight 2 healthcare application, which showcases future-thinking around healthcare user interfaces.

Patient Journey Demonstrator

I was fortunate enough to be involved in Microsoft Health Common User Interface: Patient Journey Demonstrator, and worked alongside Neil Ashley in experimenting with ways to visualise the complex data presented in this application.

The areas that I worked with during the creation of this application were the Patient Banner, the containers of the on screen elements, the Doctor Schedules, the Lifestyle component and the Patient Charts.

I will continue to blog about many of the techniques associated with creating these types of UI elements over the next few months, and Martin Grayson will be blogging about many of the of different sections within the demonstrator, such as how they were built, sharing code snippets, and discussing the future development of the demonstrator.

The team involved in this Demonstrator were:

Kirsten Disse - Lead UX Designer

Martin Grayson - Lead Developer

Sergei Golubev - Silverlight UI Developer

Joe Wardell - Silverlight UI Developer

Neil Ashley & Tinisha Rocca - Visual Designers

Alam Rahman - Lead Test

Please share all feedback here or visit the CodePlex Discussion Board here.




A few users outside of the UK are experience a bug with the Primary Care and Secondary Care demonstrators. The symptom is when they try to launch the either of these demonstrators, they see our default error dialogue stating: "This application has encountered a problem and needs to close. Please, try restarting it. Sorry for any inconvenience."

We have identified that the problem is due to current 'Regional and Language' settings. The reason is because we do various things with the formatting of dates, but have only extensively tested with the UK date format. We have now logged the issue and are aiming to release the demonstrator with the fix when Silverlight 2 Beta 2 ships.
There is a workaround though in the meantime. You can access the second parts of the demonstrator by changing you current language format to 'English (United Kingdom)'. You can access this in Windows Vista via...
Control Panel -> Regional and Langauge Options -> Formats (tab) and selecting 'English (United Kingdom)' from the drop-down.
