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Update: Wrong Setting: Beware of Text Messaging and Direct Push email with Windows Mobile 5

***Quick Update***

Thanks to all who posted comments and emailed me.  It turns out that the wrong setting was turned on with my phone.  I was using a pre-Windows Mobile 5 feature that used Text Messaging.  Sorry for the confusion and thanks to everyone for the correction!

I will post the full details of the correct settings and what was configured incorrectly in a new post tomorrow.

I have created a blog entry on the correct settings here:



A little off topic here, but I just wanted to give everyone a heads up that if you are using Direct Push with Windows Mobile 5 you need to make sure you have unlimited Text messaging as part of your plan.  Apparently Direct Push works by sending a Text message to your phone to tell it to get the email message as new email arrives.

Verizon had the wrong plan set up for me and I got dinged with a $60 bill just for text messaging!  Thankfully they were great about it and credited my account and put me on the right data plan.