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Notepad Replacement

Omar Shahine links to a notepad replacement, including instructions for bypassing System File Protection to replace the notepad.exe binary. As a hardcore emacs user I've never bothered to replace notepad, but this would be very useful on test machines or other situations where emacs isn't readily available. I like how it has syntax highlighting for not only common languages, but also files such as .ini and .reg. It's amazing how many text editors don't support (i.e. have syntax highlighting and/or other mode-specific features for) types of files that programmers, administrators, and advanced users encounter on a daily basis. Yet another reason I've stuck with emacs.

Simon comments:

I've been using notepad2 since you mentioned it before... It would be great if Microsoft could assimilate it and its author, or at least incorporated something very similar in Longhorn.
Would save having to replace notepad with one file or another everywhere I go.

Right on. Paint and Calculator are also utilities that seriously need to be updated for Longhorn, and Notepad2 is a good illustration of the types and level of improvements needed.