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I'm moving...

After careful thought, I have decided to join forces with the rest of the SharePoint team in UK Microsoft Consulting Services to work collectively on a new team blog called UK SharePoint Team (

With many people contributing to the blog, we hope you will find great content being posted regularly. The focus will be on informative, useful articles based on all things SharePoint covering the full spectrum of development, infrastructure, architecture and best practices.

The team blog idea has worked well in several teams already within Microsoft including Microsoft SharePoint Team Blog and The Deployment Guys (MCS Deployment Team). The new blog will replace all of the following blogs from people who are now going to contribute to UK SharePoint Team instead:

· James Kemp’s Collaboration Blog

· Martin Kearn’ A Marvellous Point

· Nigel Bridport’s Share Points

· Graham Tyler’s The Goldfish bowl

· Rob Finney’s To The Point

· Paul Holdaway’s Spare Thought

· Brian Wilson’s blog

· Paul Robinson’s SharePoint Treats

· Other ‘SharePoint guys’ that do not currently have a blog

We have already posted an article on UK SharePoint Team called “SharePoint Farm Communications .... Ports, Proxies and Protocols” which talks about inter-farm communications, firewall ports etc within SharePoint. This is a summary of a presentation that was recently given at TechEd 2008 in Barcelona by Martin Kearn.

So redirect your RSS readers to and enjoy! J