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Windows Identity Foundation in Windows 8

Are you not able to find the Windows Identity Foundation in your Windows 8 Operating System?? If yes is the answer this post will help you in locating the Windows Identity Foundation in your machine.

 Following are the steps to get the Windows Identity Foundation

1) Navigate to Control Panel you will be able to find the window as shown in the below screen.  
 2) Now click on Programs and Features to Turn Windows Features on or off.

3) In the programs and features screen you will be able to Turn Windows Features on or off as shown in the below screenshot.

4) After clicking on the Windows Features on or off in the left navigation pane. You can see one new window being opened as shown in the below screenshot which will help you in adding the Windows Identity Foundation to your machine.


5) After clicking on OK you can see the status of the installation and after that you are done.

6) You are now done with adding Windows Identity Foundation in your machine.

