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Terry Zink: Security Talk

Discussing Internet security in (mostly) plain English

The IP list

Office 365 (Exchange Online Protection, or EOP) frequently receives questions about the...

Author: tzink Date: 08/22/2012

Designing my app with more anti-tampering in mind

As I have been writing on my blog before, I’m designing an app for the iPad and I am trying to...

Author: tzink Date: 08/17/2012

An updated look at botnets

Today I looked up the most prolific botnets for the month of July.  Earlier this year the grum...

Author: tzink Date: 08/15/2012

Hotmail to offer strong method for authentication

Recently, I read an article that says that Microsoft is going to use a better method than Gmail for...

Author: tzink Date: 08/15/2012

Microsoft ends up #1 on for July

Last month, I stumbled upon and was surprised to discover that Microsoft was listed...

Author: tzink Date: 08/09/2012

Is my friend is too overconfident in his ability to remain secure?

The other day, I had to change my Windows login password on my work computer.  As usual,...

Author: tzink Date: 08/07/2012

Designing my app with (anti) tampering in mind

As I continue on in my series about how I’m designing my app (because designing software is fun, and...

Author: tzink Date: 08/06/2012

Designing my app with sanity checks in mind

As I’ve been writing before, I’m currently working on an iPad and I’ve got security in mind. ...

Author: tzink Date: 08/05/2012

Designing secure data transfer

As I have mentioned before on this blog, I’m currently designing an iPad app and I want to build it...

Author: tzink Date: 08/01/2012

Designing my app with security in mind

As I wrote about on this blog previously, I am working on an app for iPad.  It has nothing...

Author: tzink Date: 07/25/2012

Israeli officials dispute claims of Stuxnet’s joint US/Israel effort

A few weeks ago, the New York Times published an article saying that the Stuxnet worm, which...

Author: tzink Date: 07/25/2012

A couple of helpful security tools you can use

Every once in a while, I find a great tool on the Internet that you can use to help you be more...

Author: tzink Date: 07/24/2012

Researchers knock out the grum botnet

Over on the New York Times blogs page, writer Nicole Perlroth writes about how security company...

Author: tzink Date: 07/19/2012

Today is my 8-year anniversary of fighting spam

Today is my 8-year anniversary of fighting spam.  It was July 12, 2004, that I got the job at...

Author: tzink Date: 07/12/2012

My credit card information was leaked to the Internet and all I got was this interesting eBook

This past December, private geopolitical analyst firm Stratfor was hacked when hackers from the...

Author: tzink Date: 07/12/2012

Hotmail looking to combat gray mail

Wired yesterday reported about an initiative that Hotmail is working on that combats gray mail –...

Author: tzink Date: 07/12/2012

Breaking into the security field

Brian Krebs is running a series on how to break into the Computer Security field. These are in...

Author: tzink Date: 07/06/2012

Cyber criminals infiltrate even small businesses

I read an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal today entitled Cyber Criminals Sniff out...

Author: tzink Date: 07/06/2012

A bit more on that spam from an Android botnet

A quick follow up on my previous post about spam from an Android botnet, there are a few things I...

Author: tzink Date: 07/05/2012

Who says you can’t have fun at the IETF?

A new IETF draft has been published that specifies a new HTTP status code for legally restricted...

Author: tzink Date: 06/26/2012

I’m planning an iPad app – now help me out here

Okay, let’s get specific. You read this blog because you’re interested in security so most of you...

Author: tzink Date: 06/20/2012

Android taking over as the malware author target-of-choice

A couple of weeks ago, Der Westen, a German online news magazine, published an articled entitled...

Author: tzink Date: 06/15/2012

Spammers’ Aid

A couple of months ago, Microsoft Sweden launched a program called Spammers’ Aid. This is a program...

Author: tzink Date: 06/14/2012

Evolution of the antivirus industry

I found the following elsewhere on the web.  I bumped up the original dates in the graphic by 3...

Author: tzink Date: 06/08/2012

Homeland Security, Cybercrime and terrorism, part 2

I started rambling in my previous post about the article in Forbes.  I had something else to...

Author: tzink Date: 06/06/2012

Tough week to be LinkedIn

It’s a tough week to be LinkedIn.  Today, it’s revealed that over 6 million passwords from...

Author: tzink Date: 06/06/2012

Six steps to sending email over IPv6 – my Internet Draft

A couple of weeks ago, I published my first Internet Draft to the Internet Engineering Task Force...

Author: tzink Date: 05/23/2012

What’s up with Yahoo Mail’s spam filter?

What’s wrong with Yahoo Mail’s spam filter recently?  The company has gone through CEO after...

Author: tzink Date: 05/23/2012

Spammers ruining it for everyone

Last week we had an incident with our outbound reputation that caused delivery issues to various US...

Author: tzink Date: 05/22/2012

New spam trend

A new spam trend that we have seen over the past month or so are 419’s with Word attachments. ...

Author: tzink Date: 05/21/2012

Wonder what China is doing with all of those APTs? Now you know.

Did you ever wonder what China is doing with all of those Advanced Persistent Threats that they are...

Author: tzink Date: 05/15/2012

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