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HOWTO: WebDAV: Send mail with Custom Form and set properties

This is going to be a very simple sample of how you can send an email with custom properties set and also change the message class so that it render on outlook as Custom Form.

Prerequisites: A custom form must be published with same class name to render the email properly.

How it works…

Step 1) It drop an email in the drafts folder of user

Step 2) Patches the properties to set Message Class & other properties, even including with special characters in name like Spaces and ‘/’

Step 3) Drop the mail to DavMailSubmissionURL to send it



 Imports System.Net
 Imports System.IO
 Imports System.Web
 Module Module1
     Const strServer As String = "Exchange_Server_Name"
     Const strMailbox As String = "Target_Mailbox"
     Const strFrom As String = ""
     Const strTo As String = ""
     Const strSubject As String = "Custom form email - sent using WebDAV"
     Const strBody As String = "<B>Hello There,</B><BR> Hope you are doing good.<BR>Good Bye!!!"
     Const strMessageClass As String = "IPM.Note.TestMessageClass"
     Const strDomain As String = "DomainNameHere"
     Const strUsername As String = "UsernameToLoginWith"
     Const strPassword As String = "Password"
     Dim objCDO As New CDO.Message
     Dim strMIME As String
     Dim sQuery As String = ""
     Dim sUri As Uri = New Uri("https://" & strServer & "/Exchange/" + strMailbox & "/Drafts/" & Guid.NewGuid().ToString() & ".eml")
     Dim sDavSubmissionURI As Uri = New Uri("https://" & strServer & "/Exchange/" + strMailbox & "/%23%23DavMailSubmissionURI%23%23/")
     Dim DavRequest As HttpWebRequest = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create(sUri), HttpWebRequest)
     Dim myCred As New NetworkCredential((strDomain & "\" & strUsername), strPassword)
     Dim myCredentialCache As New CredentialCache()
     Dim ByteQuery As Byte()
     Dim QueryStream As Stream
     Dim DavResponse As HttpWebResponse
     Dim iStatCode As Integer
     Dim sStatus As String
     Dim strm As Stream
     Dim sr As StreamReader
     Dim sText As String
     Sub Main()
         Console.WriteLine("Preparing message...")
         Console.WriteLine("Creating message in draft folder...")
         Console.WriteLine("Updating message class & other properties...")
         Console.WriteLine("Sending message...")
         Console.WriteLine("Message Sent")
     End Sub
     Sub PrepairMessage()
         With objCDO
             .From = strFrom
             .To = strTo
             .Subject = strSubject
             .HTMLBody = strBody
             strMIME = .GetStream.ReadText
         End With
         sQuery = strMIME
     End Sub
     Sub CreateMessageInDraft()
         myCredentialCache.Add(sUri, "Basic", myCred)
         DavRequest.Credentials = myCredentialCache
         DavRequest.KeepAlive = False
         DavRequest.Headers.Set("Translate", "f")
         DavRequest.ContentType = "message/rfc822"
         DavRequest.ContentLength = sQuery.Length
         'Set the request timeout to 5 minutes.
         DavRequest.Timeout = 300000
         ' Set the request method.
         DavRequest.Method = "PUT"
         ' Store the data in a byte array.
         ByteQuery = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sQuery)
         DavRequest.ContentLength = ByteQuery.Length
         QueryStream = DavRequest.GetRequestStream()
         ' write the data to be posted to the Request Stream
         QueryStream.Write(ByteQuery, 0, ByteQuery.Length)
         QueryStream = Nothing
         ' Send the request and get the response.
         DavResponse = DirectCast(DavRequest.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
         ' Get the Status code.
         iStatCode = CInt(DavResponse.StatusCode)
         sStatus = iStatCode.ToString()
         Console.WriteLine("Status Code: " & sStatus.ToString())
         ' Read the response stream.
         strm = DavResponse.GetResponseStream()
         sr = New StreamReader(strm)
         sText = sr.ReadToEnd()
         Console.WriteLine("Response: " & sText)
         ' Close the stream.
     End Sub
     Sub SetMessageProperties()
         Dim sPropPatch As String = "<?xml version=""1.0""?>" + _
         "<g:propertyupdate xmlns:g=""DAV:"">" + _
         "<g:set>" + _
         "<g:prop>" + _
         "<d:outlookmessageclass xmlns:d="""">" & strMessageClass & "</d:outlookmessageclass>" + _
         "<NewCustomProperty>" & "CustomProperty1" & "</NewCustomProperty>" + _
         "</g:prop>" + _
         "</g:set>" + _
         DavRequest = Nothing
         DavResponse = Nothing
         DavRequest = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create(sUri), HttpWebRequest)
         DavRequest.Credentials = myCredentialCache
         DavRequest.KeepAlive = False
         DavRequest.Headers.Set("Translate", "f")
         DavRequest.ContentType = "text/xml"
         DavRequest.ContentLength = sQuery.Length
         'Set the request timeout to 5 minutes.
         DavRequest.Timeout = 300000
         ' Set the request method.
         DavRequest.Method = "PROPPATCH"
         ' Store the data in a byte array.
         ByteQuery = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sPropPatch)
         DavRequest.ContentLength = ByteQuery.Length
         QueryStream = DavRequest.GetRequestStream()
         ' write the data to be posted to the Request Stream
         QueryStream.Write(ByteQuery, 0, ByteQuery.Length)
         QueryStream = Nothing
         ' Send the request and get the response.
         DavResponse = DirectCast(DavRequest.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
         ' Get the Status code.
         iStatCode = CInt(DavResponse.StatusCode)
         sStatus = iStatCode.ToString()
         Console.WriteLine("Status Code: " & sStatus.ToString())
         ' Read the response stream.
         strm = DavResponse.GetResponseStream()
         sr = New StreamReader(strm)
         sText = sr.ReadToEnd()
         Console.WriteLine("Response: " & sText)
         ' Close the stream.
         DavResponse = Nothing
         DavRequest = Nothing
     End Sub
     Sub SendMessage()
         DavRequest = Nothing
         DavResponse = Nothing
         DavRequest = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create(sUri), HttpWebRequest)
         DavRequest.Credentials = myCredentialCache
         'Set the request timeout to 5 minutes.
         DavRequest.Timeout = 300000
         ' Set the request method.
         DavRequest.Method = "MOVE"
         DavRequest.Headers.Add("Destination", sDavSubmissionURI.ToString())
         ' Send the request and get the response.
         DavResponse = DirectCast(DavRequest.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
         ' Get the Status code.
         iStatCode = CInt(DavResponse.StatusCode)
         sStatus = iStatCode.ToString()
         Console.WriteLine("Status Code: " & sStatus.ToString())
         ' Read the response stream.
         strm = DavResponse.GetResponseStream()
         sr = New StreamReader(strm)
         sText = sr.ReadToEnd()
         Console.WriteLine("Response: " & sText)
         ' Close the stream.
         DavResponse = Nothing
         DavRequest = Nothing
     End Sub
 End Module

Note: I will update the sample to include custom properties with special characters soon… last edited: 5/23/09 4:19 AM


  • Anonymous
    May 22, 2009
    PingBack from

  • Anonymous
    June 03, 2009
    You can use the following property sets to update a Custom property with spaces and special characters in it. <?xml version="1.0"?> <g:propertyupdate xmlns:g="DAV:"> <g:set> <g:prop> <d:outlookmessageclass xmlns:d="">IPM.Note.IA</d:outlookmessageclass> <Report_x0020_Date_x0020_Time b:dt="" xmlns:b="urn:uuid:c2f41010-65b3-11d1-a29f-00aa00c14882/" >2009-06-03T19:16:25Z</Report_x0020_Date_x0020_Time> <m:_x0020_Suspect xmlns:m="Victim /">victim / suspect</m:_x0020_Suspect> <m:_x0020_Charge xmlns:m="Crime /">crime /  charge</m:_x0020_Charge> <Officer_x0020_ID>officer id</Officer_x0020_ID> <Case_x0020_Number>case number</Case_x0020_Number> <Incident_x0020_Number>incident number</Incident_x0020_Number> <CaseRecordID>12345678</CaseRecordID> </g:prop> </g:set> </g:propertyupdate>