

This is the Azure Sphere (Legacy) documentation. Azure Sphere (Legacy) is retiring on 27 September 2027, and users must migrate to Azure Sphere (Integrated) by this time. Use the Version selector located above the TOC to view the Azure Sphere (Integrated) documentation.

Manages Azure Sphere images on disk.

Operation Description
add Uploads a new image.
download Downloads an image.
show Displays information about the specified image.


Uploads a new image to your Azure Sphere tenant.

Required parameters

Parameter Type Description
--image String Specifies the path to the image to be uploaded.

Optional parameters

Parameter Type Description
-t, --tenant GUID or name Specifies the tenant to perform this operation in. Overrides the default selected tenant. You can specify either the tenant ID or tenant name.
--temporary Boolean Marks the image package as temporary. This parameter is intended for use during the manufacturing process.
--force Boolean Forces uploading of images using a Beta API.
-r, --regional-data-boundary String Regional data boundary for this image. Allowed values: EU, None. The default value is None. If no value is specified the default value will be used. For more information, see Configure crash dumps - Pivacy considerations
Global parameters

The following global parameters are available for the Azure Sphere CLI:

Parameter Description
--debug Increases logging verbosity to show all debug logs. If you find a bug, provide output generated with the --debug flag on when submitting a bug report.
-h, --help Prints CLI reference information about commands and their arguments and lists available subgroups and commands.
--only-show-errors Shows only errors, suppressing warnings.
-o, --output Changes the output format. The available output formats are json, jsonc (colorized JSON), tsv (Tab-Separated Values), table (human-readable ASCII tables), and yaml. By default the CLI outputs table. To learn more about the available output formats, see Output format for Azure Sphere CLI commands.
--query Uses the JMESPath query language to filter the output returned from Azure Sphere Security Services. See JMESPath tutorial and Query Azure CLI command output for more information and examples.
--verbose Prints information about resources created in Azure Sphere during an operation and other useful information. Use --debug for full debug logs.


If you are using Azure Sphere classic CLI, see Global parameters for more information on available options.


azsphere image add --image C:\sample\quickstart_steps\QuickStart-AzureSphereBlink1\QuickStart-AzureSphereBlink1\out\ARM-Debug\QuickStart-AzureSphereBlink1.imagepackage --temporary
Uploading image from file 'C:\sample\quickstart_steps\QuickStart-AzureSphereBlink1\QuickStart-AzureSphereBlink1\out\ARM-Debug\QuickStart-AzureSphereBlink1.imagepackage':
 --> Image ID:       d788fdd1-28eb-4477-9818-a4734289f2f1
 --> Component ID:   99d419ef-296d-43b0-ade1-809efe3a7aba
 --> Component name: 'QuickStart-AzureSphereBlink1'
Retaining temporary state for uploaded image.
Successfully uploaded image with ID 'd788fdd1-28eb-4477-9818-a4734289f2f1' and name 'QuickStart-AzureSphereBlink1' to component with ID '99d419ef-296d-43b0-ade1-809efe3a7aba'.


Downloads an existing image from your Azure Sphere tenant.

Required parameters

Parameter Type Description
-i, --image String Specifies the ID of the image to download. Run the azsphere image add command to get the image ID.
--destination String Specifies the path and filename in which to save the image. The file path can be an absolute or relative path.

Optional parameters

Parameter Type Description
-t, --tenant GUID or name Specifies the tenant to perform this operation in. Overrides the default selected tenant. You can specify either the tenant ID or tenant name.
Global parameters

The following global parameters are available for the Azure Sphere CLI:

Parameter Description
--debug Increases logging verbosity to show all debug logs. If you find a bug, provide output generated with the --debug flag on when submitting a bug report.
-h, --help Prints CLI reference information about commands and their arguments and lists available subgroups and commands.
--only-show-errors Shows only errors, suppressing warnings.
-o, --output Changes the output format. The available output formats are json, jsonc (colorized JSON), tsv (Tab-Separated Values), table (human-readable ASCII tables), and yaml. By default the CLI outputs table. To learn more about the available output formats, see Output format for Azure Sphere CLI commands.
--query Uses the JMESPath query language to filter the output returned from Azure Sphere Security Services. See JMESPath tutorial and Query Azure CLI command output for more information and examples.
--verbose Prints information about resources created in Azure Sphere during an operation and other useful information. Use --debug for full debug logs.


If you are using Azure Sphere classic CLI, see Global parameters for more information on available options.


azsphere image download --image d788fdd1-28eb-4477-9818-a4734289f2f1 --destination AzureSphereBlink1.image
Getting the image with ID 'd788fdd1-28eb-4477-9818-a4734289f2f1'.


Shows details of an existing image from your Azure Sphere tenant.

Required parameters

Parameter Type Description
-i, --image GUID Specifies the ID of the image to get the details for. Run the azsphere image add command to get the image ID.

Optional parameters

Parameter Type Description
-t, --tenant GUID or name Specifies the tenant to perform this operation in. Overrides the default selected tenant. You can specify either the tenant ID or tenant name.
Global parameters

The following global parameters are available for the Azure Sphere CLI:

Parameter Description
--debug Increases logging verbosity to show all debug logs. If you find a bug, provide output generated with the --debug flag on when submitting a bug report.
-h, --help Prints CLI reference information about commands and their arguments and lists available subgroups and commands.
--only-show-errors Shows only errors, suppressing warnings.
-o, --output Changes the output format. The available output formats are json, jsonc (colorized JSON), tsv (Tab-Separated Values), table (human-readable ASCII tables), and yaml. By default the CLI outputs table. To learn more about the available output formats, see Output format for Azure Sphere CLI commands.
--query Uses the JMESPath query language to filter the output returned from Azure Sphere Security Services. See JMESPath tutorial and Query Azure CLI command output for more information and examples.
--verbose Prints information about resources created in Azure Sphere during an operation and other useful information. Use --debug for full debug logs.


If you are using Azure Sphere classic CLI, see Global parameters for more information on available options.


azsphere image show --image d788fdd1-28eb-4477-9818-a4734289f2f1
------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ ---------------------------- ------------- ------------  ---------------------
ImageId                              ComponentId                          Name                         SigningStatus ImageType     RegionalDataBoundary
d788fdd1-28eb-4477-9818-a4734289f2f1 99d419ef-296d-43b0-ade1-809efe3a7aba QuickStart-AzureSphereBlink1 Succeeded     Applications  None
------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ ---------------------------- ------------- ------------  ---------------------