Migrate Bing Maps Find a Location by Address API

This article explains how to migrate the Bing Maps Find a Location by Address API to the Azure Maps Get Geocoding API. The Azure Maps Get Geocoding API is used to get longitude and latitude coordinates of a street address a place or landmark. Azure Maps Get Geocoding API supports geocoding input in an unstructured or structured format. This article covers scenarios where your geocoding input, such as street address, is in structured format - similar to what Bing Maps Find a Location by Address API supports. For information on how to migrate Bing Maps scenarios where the geocoding input is not structured to get longitude and latitude coordinates of a street address, a place or landmark, see Migrate Bing Maps Find a Location by Query API.


Notable differences

  • Bing Maps Find a Location by Address API only supports geocoding input in structured format, whereas Azure Maps Get Geocoding API supports geocoding input in an unstructured (query=) or structured (addressLine=) format. For geocoding landmark names, use Azure Maps Get Geocoding API using unstructured input format.
  • Bing Maps Find a Location by Address API returns coordinates in latitude/longitude format, while Azure Maps Get Geocoding API returns coordinates in longitude/latitude format, as defined by the GeoJSON format.
  • Bing Maps Find a Location by Address API supports XML and JSON response format. Azure Maps Get Geocoding API supports GeoJSON.
  • Unlike Bing Maps Find a Location by Address API, Azure Maps Get Geocoding API has a view input parameter, which is a string that represents an ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 region/country code. The view input parameter alters geopolitical disputed borders and labels to align with the specified user region. For more information, see URI Parameters.
  • Unlike Bing Maps Find a Location by Address API, Azure Maps Get Geocoding API doesn’t currently support address geocoding for China, Japan, or South Korea.
  • Unlike Bing Maps for Enterprise, Azure Maps is a global service that supports specifying a geographic scope, allowing limits to data residency to the European (EU) or United States (US) geographic areas (geos). All requests (including input data) are processed exclusively in the specified geographic area. For more information, see geographic scope.

Security and authentication

Bing Maps for Enterprise only supports API key authentication. Azure Maps supports multiple ways to authenticate your API calls, such as a subscription key, Microsoft Entra ID, and Shared Access Signature (SAS) Token. For more information on security and authentication in Azure Maps, See Authentication with Azure Maps and the Security section in the Azure Maps Get Geocoding documentation.

Request parameters

The following table lists the Bing Maps Find a Location by Address request parameters and the Azure Maps equivalent:

Bing Maps request parameter Bing Maps request parameter alias  Azure Maps request parameter Required in Azure Maps  Azure Maps data type  Description
Bing Maps request parameter Bing Maps request parameter alias  Azure Maps request parameter Required in Azure Maps  Azure Maps data type  Note 
addressLine  addressLine  False  string  In Azure Maps Get Geocoding API, a street address, or street address with locality and adminDistrict, is supported input for addressLine
adminDistrict  adminDistrict  False  string 
countryRegion  countryRegion  False  string 
locality  locality  False  string 
postalCode  postalCode  False  string 
culture  Request Header:  Accept-Language   False  string  As specified in the Azure Maps request header, culture defines the language used in search results when using the Azure Maps Get Geocoding API. For more information, see Supported Languages.
include  incl  Not needed  Not needed  Not needed  In Bing Maps Find a Location by Address API, the ‘include’ input parameter is required in order to get a two-letter ISO country code for the location result in the response (include=ciso2). In Azure Maps Get Geocoding API, the two-letter ISO country code is returned by default. 
includeNeighborhood  inclnb  Not needed  Not needed  Not needed  In Azure Maps Get Geocoding API, neighborhood info is returned in the response by default, when available. 
maxResults  maxRes  top  False  Integer (int32)  In Azure Maps Get Geocoding API, the default number of responses returned is 5. The minimum is 1 and the maximum is 20. 
strictMatch  sm  Not supported  Not supported  Not supported 
userIp  uip  Not supported  Not supported  Not supported 
userLocation  ul  coordinates  False  number[]  In Azure Maps Get Geocoding API, coordinates on the earth specified as in longitude and latitude format (longitude,latitude). When you specify this parameter, the user’s location is considered, and the results returned are more relevant to the user.
userMapView  umv  bbox  False  number[]  A rectangular area on the earth defined as a bounding box object. The sides of the rectangles are defined by longitude and latitude values (longitude1,latitude1,longitude2,latitude2). Use the following syntax to specify a bounding box:

West Longitude, South Latitude, East Longitude, North Latitude

When you specify this parameter, the geographical area is taken into account when computing the results of a location query.
userRegion  ur  view  False  string  A string that represents an ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 region/country code that alters geopolitical disputed borders and labels to align with the specified user region. By default, the View parameter is set to Auto even if not defined in the request. For more information on available views, see Supported Views.

For more information about the Azure Maps Get Geocoding API request parameters, see URI Parameters.

Request examples

Bing Maps Find a Location by Address API POST request:

http://dev.virtualearth.net/REST/v1/Locations/US/WA/Redmond/15127 NE 24th Street?&key={BingMapsKey}        

Azure Maps Get Geocoding API POST request:

https://atlas.microsoft.com/geocode?api-version=2023-06-01&adminDistrict=WA&locality=Redmond&addressLine=15127 NE 24th Street&subscription-key={Your-Azure-Maps-Subscription-key}

Response fields

The following table lists the fields that can appear in the HTTP response when running the Bing Maps Find a Location by Address request and the Azure Maps equivalent:

Bing Maps Field Azure Maps Field Description
address: addressLine (JSON)

Address: AddressLine (XML) 
address: addressLine 
address: adminDistrict (JSON)

Address: AdminDistrict (XML) 
address: adminDistricts 
address: adminDistrict2 (JSON)

Address: AdminDistrict2 (XML)
address: adminDistricts 
address: countryRegion (JSON)

Address: CountryRegion (XML) 
address: countryRegion 
address: countryRegionIso2 (JSON)

Address: CountryRegionIso2 (XML) 
address: countryRegion - iso 
address: neighborhood (JSON)

Address: Neighborhood (XML) 
address: neighborhood 
address: formattedAddress (JSON)

Address: FormattedAddress (XML)
address: formattedAddress
address: locality (JSON)

Address: Locality (XML) 
address: locality 
address: postalCode (JSON)

Address: PostalCode (XML) 
address: postalCode 
address: Intersection – baseStreet (JSON)

Address: Intersection – BaseStreet (XML) 
address: intersection -baseStreet 
address: Intersection – secondaryStreet1 (JSON)

address: intersection - secondaryStreet1 
address: Intersection – secondaryStreet2 (JSON)

Address: Intersection – SecondaryStreet2 (XML) 
address: intersection - secondaryStreet2 
address: Intersection – intersectionType (JSON)

Address: Intersection – IntersectionType (XML) 
address: intersection - intersectionType 
address: Intersection – displayName (JSON)

Address: Intersection – DisplayName (XML) 
address: intersection - displayName 
bbox (JSON)

BoundingBox (XML) 
features: bbox  In Bing Maps Find a Location by Address API, the coordinates in the response are in latitude/longitude format. The coordinates in the response of the Azure Maps Get Geocoding API are in the longitude/latitude format (since GeoJSON format is used).  
calculationMethod (JSON)

CalculationMethod (XML) 
properties: geocodePoints - calculationMethod 
confidence (JSON)

Confidence (XML) 
properties: confidence 
entityType (JSON)

EntityType (XML) 
properties: type 
geocodePoints (JSON)

GeocodePoint (XML) 
properties: geocodePoints - coordinates 
matchCodes (JSON)

MatchCode (XML) 
properties: matchCodes 
name (JSON)

Name (XML) 
Not supported formattedAddress is the Azure Maps equivalent.
point (JSON)

Point (XML) 
features: coordinates  In Bing Maps Find a Location by Address API, the coordinates in the response are in latitude/longitude format. The coordinates in the response of the Azure Maps Get Geocoding API are in the longitude/latitude format (since GeoJSON format is used).  
queryParse (JSON)

QueryParse (XML) 
Not supported 
usageTypes (JSON)

usageType (XML) 
properties: geocodePoints: usageTypes

For more information about the Azure Maps Get Geocoding API response fields, see Definitions.

Response examples

The following JSON sample shows what is returned in the body of the HTTP response when executing the Bing Maps Find a Location by Address request:

    "authenticationResultCode": "ValidCredentials", 
    "brandLogoUri": "https://dev.virtualearth.net/Branding/logo_powered_by.png", 
    "copyright": "Copyright © 2024 Microsoft and its suppliers. All rights reserved. This API cannot be accessed and the content and any results may not be used, reproduced or transmitted in any manner without express written permission from Microsoft Corporation.", 
    "resourceSets": [ 
            "estimatedTotal": 1, 
            "resources": [ 
                    "__type": "Location:http://schemas.microsoft.com/search/local/ws/rest/v1", 
                    "bbox": [ 
                    "name": "15127 NE 24th St, Redmond, WA 98052", 
                    "point": { 
                        "type": "Point", 
                        "coordinates": [ 
                    "address": { 
                        "addressLine": "15127 NE 24th St", 
                        "adminDistrict": "WA", 
                        "adminDistrict2": "King County", 
                        "countryRegion": "United States", 
                        "formattedAddress": "15127 NE 24th St, Redmond, WA 98052", 
                        "locality": "Redmond", 
                        "postalCode": "98052" 
                    "confidence": "High", 
                    "entityType": "Address", 
                    "geocodePoints": [ 
                            "type": "Point", 
                            "coordinates": [ 
                            "calculationMethod": "Rooftop", 
                            "usageTypes": [ 
                            "type": "Point", 
                            "coordinates": [ 
                            "calculationMethod": "Rooftop", 
                            "usageTypes": [ 
                    "matchCodes": [ 
    "statusCode": 200, 
    "statusDescription": "OK", 
    "traceId": "e0a7cb31a835ffbcc7e2b8f6b1a0b4e0|MWH0032BE3||Ref A: 9BC4F0B708B04F2EA6D52CB3461458A6 Ref B: CO1EDGE1411 Ref C: 2024-04-23T23:44:47Z"

The following JSON sample shows what is returned in the body of the HTTP response when executing an Azure Maps Get Geocoding request:

    "type": "FeatureCollection",
    "features": [
            "type": "Feature",
            "geometry": {
                "type": "Point",
                "coordinates": [
            "bbox": [
            "properties": {
                "type": "Address",
                "confidence": "High",
                "matchCodes": [
                "geocodePoints": [
                        "calculationMethod": "Rooftop",
                        "usageTypes": [
                        "geometry": {
                            "type": "Point",
                            "coordinates": [
                        "calculationMethod": "Rooftop",
                        "usageTypes": [
                        "geometry": {
                            "type": "Point",
                            "coordinates": [
                "address": {
                    "addressLine": "15127 NE 24th St",
                    "postalCode": "98052",
                    "locality": "Redmond",
                    "formattedAddress": "15127 NE 24th St, Redmond, WA 98052",
                    "countryRegion": {
                        "name": "United States",
                        "ISO": "US"
                    "adminDistricts": [
                            "shortName": "WA"
                            "shortName": "King County"

Transactions usage

Like Bing Maps Find a Location by Address API, Azure Maps Get Geocoding API logs one billable transaction per request. For more information on Azure Maps transactions, see Understanding Azure Maps Transactions.

Additional information

  • Get Geocoding Batch: Use to send a batch of queries to the Get Geocoding API in a single synchronous request.
